Speed Trap on 70 in Garner

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Be careful out there on highway 70 in Garner today. There is a cop standing on the Vandora Springs Rd. bridge shooting a radar gun and several cops on 70 waiting to pounce. Slow down!
  2. bout2bmarried

    bout2bmarried Active Member

    It wouldn't be a trap if you are not speeding
  3. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    The only trap is you trapping yourselves.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I don't speed, thank you very much. Just trying to save my fellow 4042'ers the hassle and expense of a speeding ticket.
  5. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    ...and for that we thank you!

    I always see folks cookin' down that part of 70 at 60 or so. It's such an obvious spot for enforcement -they must have money to burn.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Chances are it was LIDAR instead of RADAR. If so, a radar detector is pretty much useless. I used to have a V1 but they are not necessarily the best there is anymore. You can get just a good a device from Escort and get a conceal kit. Of course, the best thing to do is just drive the speed limit. That works best for me.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2012
  7. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Why would you need a conceal kit? Radar/Laser detectors are perfectly legal in NC. Only places in the US that they are illegal is in VA and DC.

    And I have never seen any police department, especially local and small ones, use laser in NC. Go up north though, it's a different story. Although it is still not nearly as common as radar. I've had multiple Escort detectors for the past 8 years or so, including the 8500 currently. They do a great job.
  8. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    You should not post stuff like this... They do this for a reason. You do the crime you pay the fine... That's just the way it is. And NO I'm not saying I have never went over the speed limit. Cause I have and I have payed LOTS and LOTS of fines..

    Let people find out on their own that cops on are 70. They need to learn a lesson.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Because a lot of people here go to VA?
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh good grief... You shouldn't post stuff like this? Seriously?

    Thank you Michelle, for letting us know that Garner PD apparently had nothing better to do that day. :cheers:
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well, now see . . .if someone as nice as me had posted and let you know that the popo was out then you MIGHT not have had to pay all that money. Or, maybe you like paying lots and lots of fines?
  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You are very welcome. It's just another one of the services that I offer :mrgreen:
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    LOTS and LOTS of fines lol

  14. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    We wouldn't be speeding if the speed limits were higher. The majority of cars on 70 between Clayton and Garner during working hours are going well above 55 mph. Keeping the limit below the average just creates a trap for generating revenues and keeping the legal system well oiled. Always has, always will.

    In the 70's, the speed limit on this stretch of highway was 60 mph. Everybody drove army tanks and nobody wore seat belts. I-40 wasn't built yet, so rush hour then was just as bad, if not worse. (but only in Garner ...Clayton was still out in the sticks then) Now in 2012 we have anti-lock brakes, crumple zones, mandatory seat belts, airbags, etc ...but the speed limit is 5 mph lower. So anyone preaching about how speed limits are based on safety is full of hot air. For at least 40 years people have been going 70 mph down Highway 70 from Clayton to Garner. Anyone who thinks this latest campaign is an effort to change that must have just fallen off the turnip truck. If everyone started obeying the speed limit tomorrow, it would be lowered to 40 mph (in the name of safety or "for the children") so the game could continue.

    One day we will have cars capable of smashing into brick walls at 200 mph where the driver walks away without a scratch. Then there will be a whole new set of excuses for unreasonably low speed limits.
  15. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    And bank robbers wouldn't be stealing if banks didn't have walls.
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I look at this much the same as when someone flashes their headlights to warn of police activity ahead. Municipalities always maintain that the purpose of a speed trap is to enforce the speed limit for safety (not to generate income). Just like flashing lights, this topic helped raise awareness of the speed limit in that area. I'm pretty sure everyone who read it checked their speed on 70 and probably continue to do so.

    Thank you Michelle for making this world a safer place!
  17. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Holy Mother of God....seriously?
  18. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Really? So you paid lots and lots of fines, and now you want others to pay as well? Sounds like you didn't learn your lesson very well.
  19. rwilkerson

    rwilkerson Active Member

    Detectors only guarantee a ticket, and LIDAR is used widely around the State. Especially in Johnston County. You may have not seen it yet, but that's the whole point. It's not done from a car. It's done from a place were you cannot see it's being done.
  20. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Not a good analogy. Reasonable people don't disagree that taking someone else's property is wrong. They DO however disagree over things like tax rates and speed limits and what levels are appropriate. Just because politcians set a particular tax rate doesn't mean its legitimate. If they set it so high that the majority of people showed contpemt and refused to pay it, its legitimacy would certainly be questionable. That's exactly what you're seeing on Highway 70 when most people are breaking the speed limit. If the penalties were tougher this would be too costly, so there would be fewer speeders but more lawsuits against state and local governments.
    I agree.

    A judge ruled Tuesday that a man who flashed his headlights to warn drivers of a nearby police speed trap was exercising his right to free speech.

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