My wife. She wears Brittany Spears Fantasy perfume Fresh cut grass Cotton Candy Baby Powder New Leather Concerts :mrgreen:
beach baby powder fresh cut grass Sun & Surf - Yankee Candle Elizabeth Taylor "Passion" perfume fresh bread baking
Bacon frying Coffee grounds (I actually don't like coffee, but do like the smell) Vanilla Gasoline Burnt matches Babies (the clean ones) Baby powder Brushy Mtn Creamery in Wilkesboro (homemade ice cream & waffle cones) Chick-fil-a & Cook out when I drive by Meat cooking on the grill (mostly burgers/steaks)
What?! Surprised you didn't say "fresh bagels" then. Honeysuckles Cigars Combination of burning rubber & gasoline A warm gun
No, I'm not from the North...I'm from deeper South than here where they have sticky, sweet BBQ!! Oh...except for Charlie's...I LOVE Charlie's BBQ!
Hyacinths (wish Yankee Candle would make one that scent!) Mom's Pot Roast Fresh washed towels Chocolate (anything chocolate!)
right now it's magnolia confederate jasmine gardenia bacon bacon has to be on any list of best anything
Walked out of a building today and smelled a Gardenia bush. Ahhh...reminded me of one we had when I was small. I do love that smell!
Definitley agree with DB on the bacon :cheers: Linens dried in the sun New babies horses campfires fresh baked bread
Gardenias Vanilla Cinnamon Coffee brewing Gingerbread baking A glowing fireplace (love that woodsy sooty smell) Peaches Clean laundry