GCAA Soccer Committee

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wolfpack68, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    :) Actually i can. However i appreciate it more when a person stands up and voices his or her complaint, "in person". Can hide a source or their info all they like, but dont be afraid to show yourself when you voice it.

    And i know in what regards you are speaking of, and my identity is far from hidden on here or in the public so i do what i preach.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  2. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    Who I am is irrelevant, but however a lot who have read these posts know who I am. You apparently are not the only one who is in the public's eyes quite often!!!!
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Even the most vile and despised defendant has the right to face his accuser.
  4. wolfpack68

    wolfpack68 Member

    Went back and read some older threads on another GCAA topic, when did you all of a sudden have a horse in the race. You supposedly have been out of involvement with the league according to a much older post in your response. Curiosity kills the cat, so try to keep purring! I have already Howled! That is the reason defense is trying to be initiated now. I spoke up, stepped firmly or solidly on some toes, the truth has been told, now the guilty party wants to figure out how to counter attack facts. Impossible! Simply continue on as nothing ever happened. Nothing will change. Remember, as I have been told so repeatedly, it is just volunteers and you all do everything for the children! This is a ongoing no win battle of right and wrong. You all have different views and aspects of the rec program, which is fine. Best to just end this discussion!
  5. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    You must be very pleased when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    I dont have a dog in this fight and you are correct, i spent a lot of years with the CAA and GCAA but no longer with them. However having been a volunteer coach, Board member and Rec Soccer Chairman there, (for about 7 years total) have always taken the position that when (for lack of a better word at the moment, "customers") complain about the organization then thats fine. When they voice a complaint again, that is also fine. But when they start pounding and pounding and raising all immortal crap about something, but do not step up to try and help fix the problem themselves, then it tends not to be taken so seriously. And when those who do not volunteer their time and efforts, like the great majority do not, and they bash those who do, then those complaints fall on deaf ears.

    Its quite apparent that you have absolutely no idea how much time and effort goes in to running that organization and keeping the sports programs running. Nor do you have any idea how much time and effort the sport program chairmen spend running the program. You have no idea how many emails they get a week about the program that they heave to deal with. When a deadline to sign up is announced for months ahead of time and the day after the deadline ends you get 20+ emails from angry parents who are calling you every name under the sun because they missed the sign up and you have the gall to not allow their Timmy to play because they screwed up. How much time on draft day did you spend helping and making sure things ran smoothly?

    From your posts, its apparent you are unhappy with a certain faction or portion of the soccer program. Thats fine. That is your right. You are not happy with the quality of coaches or the people who run it. Again that is fine. That is your right. What you also do not understand is that the coaches and people who run the programs are just regular people. People with jobs, families, and lives outside the GCAA yet for some reason, they decided to put portions of their outside lives on hold to help run this organization so that your little Timmy had a place to play. I bet if you asked your little Timmy, he probably had fun playing even if you were so unhappy with everything that you had to come on here and rant about how pitiful the program is.

    The GCAA gets zero funding from the County. Zero. Every bit of money they get is from registrations. There are no paid positions. There are no paid coaches. This is not CASL. It costs money to run the lights on the baseball and softball fields. It costs money to heat and cool the gym. Believe it or not, it costs money to get the grass cut. There is a shocker. It cost money to spray fertilizer on the fields. It costs money to drag the infields. It costs money to run the building where the offices are. It costs money to get uniforms made. It costs money to pay the umpires and refs and it costs money to buy equipment for each sport. You come out, pay your fee and then for your own reasons are unhappy about aspects of the program.

    Take the program for what it is. Its a recreational sports program that gives the chances for kids in this area to play sports they like to play. Without the GCAA and even the MCAA, there would be no programs in this area for kids to play unless you went AAU. Its a group of adults who have decided they want to do what they can to make this area a better place and offer a place for kids to play. Its not a professional organization. Everyone invovled with the GCAA could quit tomorrow and you know what? Then there is nothing.

    In all my years with the GCAA and other sports organizations that i have been involved with, its always the parents who are unhappy with something. Never the kids.

    They are just happy to play.
  6. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Ooh, ooh, I know...

    06-07-2012, 10:28 PM. That would be the date and time you posted your rant on a public board.

    Once you make your complaints public, you are essentially inviting others to comment (pro or con) as well.
  7. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Years and years ago my husband volunteered to be a coach. He didnt have "credentials" but a HUGE sports fan! He is now my ex and I am happy he did this. My son had fun, the kids had fun! FOR REAL, I SOOOOOOOO agree with eve4nything Grinder says here. GOOD JOB!!:allears:
  8. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    My wife and I volunteered to coach a U-10 team a few years ago. We did it because there were not enough coaches for all of the kids who had registered (there was a waiting list). I had zero experience coaching soccer (same for my wife), but we didn't want kids to not have a chance to play. We were blessed to have numerous people in the organization help us plan practices and help us teach the kids. My goals were to help kids learn a little about soccer, for them to have fun, and to hopefully go on playing in the future. I am sure, wolfpack68, you have stepped up to volunteer to coach many times, have never yelled at a teenage ref (though certified), gotten mad at a coach who is doing his or her best, and fully supported the people running the league (recreational league mind you) that provides the opportunity for hundreds of kids to play soccer at a relatively low cost in our area and provides higher levels of soccer for those that have the ability and are willing to make the time committment. I have been involved at different levels for 4 different sports in the area and it never ceases to amaze me the lack of willingness of people to volunteer to coach their own Pele, Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, or Cam Newton, and then they are the same ones who want to complain about little Johnny or Susie not getting the proper coaching, not playing the right position, etc.

    If you don't like how they do things, then either get on the board/committee (since they have a hard time finding people who will spend an extra 20 hours a week in season working on the sport, they will probably love to have you), or go start your own soccer league. File the 401c3 and make sure you comply with all of the government regulations, hire the refs, make sure you have all the insurance in place, find a field to rent and maintain/improve it and schedule it so everyone gets fair time, deal with the parents who don't read emails, who think they are the exception, who always know a better way, etc.

    Be a Brother and be part of the solution and help out or be a critic and get out because nothing changes with critics standing on the sidelines screaming and complaining.
  9. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    And I thought youth leagues were about the kids.....
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Pfffttt. I thought it was too!
  11. coach#8

    coach#8 Active Member

    You are more than welcomed to voice your opinion about anything you want. The more you voice your opinion the more you reveal about YOURSELF. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE on the Soccer Committee or GCAA Executive Board is corrupt or incompetent. If you have been around for a while i'm sure you have seen how much the GCAA soccer program has grown and prospered with the current leadership. That hasn't happened by accident. The soccer program has been run well in every aspect and is in the hands of some of the brightest most dedicated people you will ever meet. Without these people the soccer program would not exist at the level it does today. It's obvious you don't agree with that and that's your opinion. So leave!!!!

    No system or program is perfect. When you have to deal with hundreds of parents and kids there is no way to please everyone. Obviously you are not pleased for whatever reason. It sounds like you would be better served going to another organization where you feel the leadership is competent and you can apply your knowledge to enhance that program. I only hope that once you don't get your way with them you don't resort to name calling as you have here. I'm sure that once you have moved on from this and gone to another organization both the GCAA and yourself will be better off. Good luck in your efforts i'm sure the GCAA soccer program will be just fine without you.

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