..yet ANOTHER friendly reminder and something to consider

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    First let's deal with the "something to consider" portion of this P.S.A.:

    When you call the professional office you are doing business with, it is important that you KNOW WHO YOU NEED TO TALK TO (and you should if you've been doing business with them) and not assume that the staff just KNOWS you because of your lovely voice. Some may but most don't. The phones are not always answered by the same person and other staff from other departments may be filling in for a period of time. And due to the large clientele, your case or file is NOT the main thing in the receptionists' head. Getting mad and snippy will not get you anywhere except maybe on the back burner;).

    It is also wise that if you are calling to get info you need, have a pen and paper ready to write it down instead of saying, "OOO let me go get a pen!!!".

    Remember, the staff is there to HELP you as much as they can but not to "hold your hand and help you "wipe"...(cough). In order to give you the best service, COOPERATION is needed from you! :)

    It pays to be proactive! :)

    Now the reminder:

    We have been over this before. You are going to the "professional" because YOU need the service they offer. They need information from YOU. If asked, simply PROVIDE it. The computer only tells them so much without your permission. If they did not need it, they wouldn't ask for it;). Remember, the office and the staff did NOT cause the issues you have that brought you there, we are the SOLUTION.

    Be smarter than the average bear, folks and use the head God gave you for something other than a hat rack or to hold sunglasses on.

    Thank you.:cheers:
  2. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member


    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Let's put the shoe on the other foot here, shall we?

    When I enter that "professional" place I expect a smile back for the one received from me......a happy greeting not a snarl.......may I help you......not the staff in deep conversation over what one of their kids got in trouble for at school and acting as if I'm a ghost.........please don't look as if you totally hate your job and want to kill every living thing in the waiting area......go get another job and let someone else have yours that will appreciate being able to work.......show kindness and patiences for those elderly folk.......don't roll your eyes when they ask you to repeat the question.........please let me know if appointments are running behind......which gives me the chance to reschedule if there's a chance I will be waiting over an hour......and the list goes on and on and on.

    Believe me when I say I know where your coming from as I work in a "professional" job, going on 29 years, but felt that hopefully you recognize the flip-side to the coin. I realize you are just blowing off some steam and only if this were a perfect world.......
    Hope today was better.
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

  5. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    I definitely understand where you're coming from, but I must admit that if I knew who you where and where you worked, I probably wouldn't be going there (if it's a service I need- I have no clue even what field you're in) knowing that you have so much disdain for customers.

    Just sayin, we all need to vent at times, but it's probably not a good idea to do it in a public forum.

    Keep in mind that you know the hoops you have to go through in your field of work because you do it everyday. -Depending on where you work- your average client may only calling you once every few years to a few times a year. They are not as familiar with the routine. To them, it's just a task they need to do to move on with life. For you it IS your life.. your job.

    Frustrations come from unmet expectations. Keep your expectations low for how much the customer is going to do for you.
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh good grief. Keep 'em coming Godschild.
  7. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I believe she's not telling who or where because she's venting in a public forum.

    I don't believe she has disdain for all customers, just those who believe the world revolves around themselves.

    Yes, we all need to vent at one time or another. The 4042 forum is as good as place as any.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Expecting grown folks to have a pen and paper readily available when calling a professional office is expecting too much?

    Expecting them to have phone manners? The horror!

    Expecting them to provide needed information so they can GET the service they are calling for is unreasonable????

    For the love of Christmas. People like you are the reason I DON'T work with the public.:nopity:
  9. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I do see where Irish is coming from, but (and this hurts me to say) I think Clif is right, the OP is just venting out a specific incident.
  10. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Well I work in customer service as well and I'm just offering my 2 cents to the OP on the customers perspective and how she looks venting on a public forum.

    And yes Clif I understand WHY she isn't saying where she works etc but one little "clue" and someone could figure it out. It was more of a hypothetical- if I knew where, I'd probably want to avoid her (given this post alone as a first impression of the business). And I disagree that any public forum is a good place to vent. Call me old fashioned but I wouldn't want something I might regret saying permanently on the internet.
  11. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Expecting someone to do their job professionally and keep a professional image of the business? The horror!
  12. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Given your lack of compassion, I'm sure she'd be happy to hear that.
  13. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    I have compassion. And this is not a situation for it. this situation calls for "guess what sweetie, that's how the world works" approach.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    She's VENTING. HERE. Nothing about her posts indictates she's unprofessional when she actually has to deal with the morons.
  15. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    No, you don't have compassion. The second sentence proves it.

    If you believe you have compassion, I would suggest you crack open a dictionary (big book, lots of words, ask your Mommy to help) and look up the word.
  16. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ....passing through...
  17. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Did not mean to offend anyone.... And it was an act of venting.... we all do it at times. And I do agree that the organization providing the service needs to be mindful, pleasant and respectful and all the other amenities that are required. Where I work, I know I am and I know that the staff members I work with on my shift are as well. Atleaset I hope they are.. And if they are not, then that is when someone can call the office manager and let him/her know.

    But when someone comes in and acts like the world owes them EVERYTHING, somewhere down the line, a message needs to be sent.

    This is the way I choose to send it! I have no "customer/client" manager to call to report unruly or disrespectful behavior to. And Clif is right in that if someone comes in and acts like a donkey and feels like they are owed the world, it is probably someone the organization does not particularly want to deal with anyway.

    All that being said, Irishluck, if you DO happen to need the service of where I work...................:jester: have a pen, paper and LISTEN CAREFULLY cause I don't repeat myself....or take your happy tail up the road..:jester:

    juuuuussssst kiddin....:jester:

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