Josephine Road Fireworks

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ibleedbluee, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. ibleedbluee

    ibleedbluee Active Member

    Anyone know the $#)hole on Josephine Road (I'm thinking it's Island Creek Subdivision) that likes to put on a pyrotechnic display on the weekends? I'm not talking about bottle rockets and items you can buy at the stores this time of the year, but huge fireworks with a launch system. This happened 5 or 6 times last summer and started up again tonight.

    Anyway, how about reminding him that some of us have kids that are in the bed at 10:10 when he decides to start this 'show'. Some of us have spouses that go to bed early because they have to get up to go to work early. Some of us don't want our house burned down by flying debris from his 'show'. Just have a little respect. Not to mention that these types of fireworks are illegal in NC.

  2. VolleyGrl

    VolleyGrl Well-Known Member

    Have you called the cops? They can't be too hard to find if the show is as big as you're saying. I agree that it would be annoying if your kids/spouse aren't able to sleep. My son is scared of fireworks so I'd be annoyed as well. On the 4th of July folks can shoot them till their hearts are content, but every night for days is not considerate to the neighbors.
  3. ibleedbluee

    ibleedbluee Active Member

    Yeah, I call them every time. Tonight I was told I wasn't the only one calling about it. Like you, I don't have a problem on the 4th. I don't really have a problem on Saturday nights if it starts at 9 and not 10 AND it's been raining recently. To shoot them off in this kind of weather is just irresponsible.
  4. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I can guarantee you it was in Island Creek. Probably right next to me the way my bedroom lit up at 10:30pm! We have a lot of fools in here that start doing this the week before the 4th and carry on right up until the weekend of the 4th. It's called that "entitlement" syndrome! Well, I'm entitled to do it so why would the neighbors be upset when I do? Idiots.
  5. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    NC Statutes

    § 14‑414. Pyrotechnics defined; exceptions.
    For the proper construction of the provisions of this Article, "pyrotechnics," as is herein used, shall be deemed to be and include any and all kinds of fireworks and explosives, which are used for exhibitions or amusement purposes: provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the manufacture, purchase, sale, transportation, and use of explosives or signaling flares used in the course of ordinary business or industry, or shells or cartridges used as ammunition in firearms. This Article shall not apply to the sale, use, or possession of the following:
    (1) Explosive caps designed to be fired in toy pistols, provided that the explosive mixture of the explosive caps shall not exceed twenty‑five hundredths (.25) of a gram for each cap.
    (2) Snake and glow worms composed of pressed pellets of a pyrotechnic mixture that produce a large, snake‑like ash when burning.
    (3) Smoke devices consisting of a tube or sphere containing a pyrotechnic mixture that produces white or colored smoke.
    (4) Trick noisemakers which produce a small report designed to surprise the user and which include:
    a. A party popper, which is a small plastic or paper item containing not in excess of 16 milligrams of explosive mixture. A string protruding from the device is pulled to ignite the device, expelling paper streamers and producing a small report.
    b. A string popper, which is a small tube containing not in excess of 16 milligrams of explosive mixture with string protruding from both ends. The strings are pulled to ignite the friction‑sensitive mixture, producing a small report.
    c. A snapper or drop pop, which is a small, paper‑wrapped item containing no more than 16 milligrams of explosive mixture coated on small bits of sand. When dropped, the device produces a small report.
    (5) Wire sparklers consisting of wire or stick coated with nonexplosive pyrotechnic mixture that produces a shower of sparks upon ignition. These items must not exceed 100 grams of mixture per item.
    (6) Other sparkling devices which emit showers of sparks and sometimes a whistling or crackling effect when burning, do not detonate or explode, do not spin, are hand‑held or ground‑based, cannot propel themselves through the air, and contain not more than 75 grams of chemical compound per tube, or not more than a total of 200 grams if multiple tubes are used. (1947, c. 210, s. 5; 1955, c. 674, s. 1; 1993, c. 437.)

    I bolded the operative part. As dry as it is, as unsafe as they are, to me, fireworks are an accident and a lawsuit waiting to happen. And if the High Sheriff was serious about it, all it takes is having a deputy go to each of these corner sellers, cite them for lack of permits to sell, and then confiscate the illegal fireworks. Do that to each and every seller, figuring that the revenue from the citations are to the county, the same as speeding tickets...revenue that comes in as a result of people willfully breaking the law. Hit WalMart, CVS, Walgreens...every retailer of these, multiple times if necessary. Make it a bit safer for those of us who cringe over the potential destruction of our homes because of an ignorant and/or careless entertainer, as in, "Hey y'all, check this out." followed by...."Somebody call 911!"
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  8. jcongdon1

    jcongdon1 Active Member

    From what I saw the last couple of weekends it looks to be on Pea Island. I saw the fireworks popping up over the trees. It Drives our dog into scared frenzy and woke me out of a sound sleep on the couch with the tv on. :cuss:
  9. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Really?? Damn Bub you do realize those fireworks aren't from CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Food Lion or even the corner fireworks stand, lay off the sheriff for not raiding these places,, you do realize a 3hr+ drive there and back gets ya to fireworks haven , they aren't local bought.
  10. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Map of states and legal status - I thought I was looking at a CCW permit map at first lol, looks very similar. But you can go west or south and get anything and everything you could ever want.
  11. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member


    I will agree the hour and the weather make it less than smart. :) However, today people are less into bottle rockets and into cannisters or shells that are launched out a tube. They blow to pieces and you aren't left with the burning stick and paper of a bottle rocket. Island Creek has an annual 4th of July neighborhood event, I am sure thats what you heard.
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Nightly? Saturday nights preceding 4th of July. And I live close enough that given sufficient drift and lack of rainfall, CVFD may be quite busy, needlessly.
  13. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Isn't there a permit required for a "Neighborhood event", or any event, that utilizes fireworks otherwise illegal in NC? I was under the impression that the person releasing the fireworks had to be certified to do so. And btw, it doesn't matter what people are "into" today if it is illegal.
  14. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    I just want to clarify for the original poster, the person setting off the fireworks this past weekend is NOT the A$$h0le that sets them of onesie-twosie all year long.:lol:
  15. ibleedbluee

    ibleedbluee Active Member

    I don't give a flying f over what you are or aren't 'into'. The fact remains it's still a violation of the law in NC to shoot those things off. I'm into getting drunk and riding around on a motorcycle without a helmet while doing 140 MPH on the wrong side of the road (not really, but hopefully that point comes across as just as dumb). They blow to pieces huh? Is that why I had a huge piece of one of them stuck in my gutters when I cleaned them out last fall? What if that piece still had embers on it when it landed on my roof, or in my backyard that has lots of trees and lots of leafs? The fact is whomever is doing it, they are taking a huge risk and being irresponsible. There's a reason, other than the law, that you've never seen a professional fireworks show in the middle of a subdivision. It's probably not that smart of an idea. But, hey, keep setting them off...we'll keep calling the Sheriff. Eventually the Sheriff will get tired of one of us.
  16. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    I was just identifying what was going on and also identifying that more than likely what was shot that made it sound like professional fireworks was the use of the cannister shells instead of bottle rockets. No where did I say its right or legal, etc., it was just an observation, please read more carefully before spouting off.
  17. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    I was just letting you know what was probbaly used (non professional) and what was going on (neighborhood celebration vs one man show). I never said it was right! In fact I think I said it wasn't smart. But obviously from your posts one can gather you are a bitter person with the way you go off needlessly. Where did you get I shot them off? It's obvious you can't have a rational convo. Enjoy your bitter life.
  18. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Oh, so it is okay for your to give your opinions, but no one else to give theirs. Thank you for clearing that up. :roll:
    And nowhere in my post did I say you thought it was right or legal. "Please read more carefully before spouting off."
  19. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    Wow, all I am saying is you telling me fireworks are illegal and it doesn't matter what people are into, totally missed the point. It was merely my choice of "words" explaining shells vs. botlerockets. You can have your opinion, no issues there, just like to stay on point.
  20. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this was for me, but the thing Saturday was not the same reported nightly shows. I don't hear nightly fireworks, but I am not one to seach out things to complain about either. :cheers:

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