Sick of barking dogs

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JoCoREZ, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    If you are in Jo Co, call and talk to Animal Control (you may have to leave a message for a call back). I'm not sure if they are willing to come out "after hours" but I do know if you take pictures of the dogs loose and off their property they will happily use that as evidence against the owners. We had dogs running loose and the owners were never home and the pictures we used were enough for Animal Control to take possession of the dogs. We were told there is a $100/dog fine to get them back and that most people are not repeat offenders after having to pay that once. Those that are, usually don't care enough about the dogs to even come get them a second time. While I hate to see any dog go to the pound, I'd rather it have a chance at adoption into a loving family then to be left outside at risk for being injured and neglected. I also know that complaints about behavior during the night can still be investigated by Animal Control during the day-they do follow up on this!
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Animal Control will give them a warning then start fining them. A former neighbor felt his dog could use our dog as a bathroom since we didn't regularly use that part of our yard (yes, he actually told us that) and because he use to live in the country where his dog could roam free. His dog was protective of what he thought was his territory ...actually our property. Animal Control, a few pictures, a warning and a fine were very helpful in getting this cleared up.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Wow, that one just drips with it! 8)
  4. Tangie

    Tangie Active Member

    Actually, the husband went over and spoke with her one on one yesterday. Her response is that 1) the dog doesn't belong to her (hmmm alot of trouble to put up with for a dog that isn't yours) and 2) while she is sorry she understands him having to do what he has to do.


    I will likely be calling animal control myself because what prompted the hubs to have one to one with her was that the dog got super aggressive and when he tried to get between the dog and our kids, the dog went AROUND behind him and snapped at the kids.

    IMHO she's being awfully free and easy with MY kids health and wellbeing! Enough is enough - she's had fair warning!
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Your hubby had a right to down that dog right then and there.
  6. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    I live in Island Creek and dont notice any dogs barking enough to wake us up.
    based on posts, some of you sure dislike Island Creek adn complain about everything.
  7. Meaninglessphoto

    Meaninglessphoto Active Member

    From an avid dog lover, I dont care that a dog in my neighborhood. My neighbor's next door have a 24/7 outdoor dog (don't get me started on that) but he barks all day but I dont care. Dogs will be dogs. However, I DO have a problem with people who let their dogs outside run wild when they arent home. The people at the end of my road always leave their dog outside when they arent home and the dog just says in the middle of the entrance and runs in front of anybody who comes in or leaves.
  8. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Let me guess! Either they're your dogs or they aren't right outside your bedroom window? Then again, maybe your the culprit with all the fireworks going off at 10:30pm!
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    you nailed it right there. :cheers:
  10. JPinJOCO

    JPinJOCO Well-Known Member

    Umm, the answer is NO to all the above. I asked where the dogs were at considering we have two phases. But no one has said anything when multiple posters have asked.
  11. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Barking seems to be a big problem in a lot of joco neighborhoods. It's not the country, it's a suburban neighborhood.

    I've encountered a couple of different types of dog owners in our neighborhoods out here - the types who care, and the types who dont.

    The neighbors who care come out and secure their dogs as soon as they start barking. They also take good care of their yard, and are pretty quiet.

    The ones who don't care tend to park in their yards like this is a trailer park, set off fireworks (what the f kind of holiday is May 12th, or July 3rd? Seriously?), and let the GD things bark until the JCSO has to be called. These are also very likely the same kinds of aholes who flip burning cigarettes out the window and hit my windshield, and who have a gun parked at the front door waiting to pick a fight with anyone who they feel deserves to be the target of their anger at their 400lb *** and miserable redneck life. To this I ask, why the hell are you living in a suburban neighborhood, when there is plenty of cheap acreage around here for you to park your irresponsible ass?

    My advice to those of you (us) who deal with irresponsible dog owners - most certainly including the ones who let their "pets" roam free, where they can encounter small children and smaller pets, is to call JCSO and call animal control, and perhaps even circulate a newsletter with like-minded neighbors, so that you can work as a group force to actually get something done through animal control or JCSO, if it isn't currently working.

    ABOVE ALL.......IF possible, talk with your neighbors first. If they have an ounce of reason, they're more likely to listen to your concerns if you are polite and they feel you are a friend.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Barking Dogs just need a little anti-freeze to cool them off.

    Just playing you idiot!
  13. But we can hate Server Snapper for being Server Snapper. If only we could find anti-freeze that comes in the shape of a Big Mac... :lol:
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Don't bring your mother into this!! She can't help it.
  15. browneyedgirl

    browneyedgirl Well-Known Member

    i talked to my neighbor about thier dog in , and needless to say, now i have about every rumor going on about me here,this neighborhood is hilarious,, but yes, i have heard from neighbors in our neighborhood about thier dogs, and she even caught the other neighbor yelling at it because it would not stop, but now i am the bad one because i said something about it, they had one in thier garage in a crate, and let it out for an hour each day, im sorry, but in 100 degree heat you dont do that..
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking about doing the same thing with my two dogs. Where did you get yours?

  17. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Sherry, look on line for the citronella bark collars. I think (?) the name of the one I have is Scent Sense. You can get the same exact ones, on line brand new, for about 1/2 the price of PetSmart. I bought one for my yapper and I dont even have to turn it on or refill the citronella anymore. Just wearing it keeps him quiet. I didnt like the idea of the zapper ones b/c if anyone else barked near him, I was afraid he would get a zap. The citronella one works great & I feel it is more humane.
  18. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much.
  19. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    Lawnboy, I'm sorry but your language kinda puts you in the same boat as your so called redneck trailer park neighbors!! Would you tell me where you can find some CHEAP acreage?? I live on 19 acreas and if and when we ever sell, it won't be cheap! Clean up your mouth PLEASE! JMHO, Pat
  20. Aintnoinbredredneck

    Aintnoinbredredneck New Member

    Man - so glad we are not neighbors. How selfish.

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