Best place to get pool chemicals checked?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by lgb0250, May 5, 2012.

  1. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Now that Clearwater is out of business and I read on this board that the place on 42 is not really good at chemicals, where would one go to get the best analysis of the water and what needs to be added? Thanks.
  2. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    From personal experience, the one at 40/42 is good. I can tell you the one down at White Oak is unethical and will either sell you chemicals you don't need, or worse yet, not tell you what you need and let your balance get way off...only to have to sell you alot more stuff afterwards to get it back to how it should be. I know a number of people who had this problem there. Now that Clearwater can't test water, we take ours to Backyard Leisure Pools on Capital Blvd (in the same plaza as Chuckie Cheese and Babies R Us). Ask for Brandon-he has been doing this for a long time and last year when we had all kinds of problems he got us straightened around. We would use the one at 40/42 but they don't carry the chemicals we use.
  3. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I go w/ JOSH at Capital Pools on US 70 in Garner. He's been good for my Pool.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    :iagree: I spent over $800 on chemicals with them one year and they never did get my pool straight. Went and spent a little under $40 at Clearwater and got it straightened right up.

    When did Clearwater go out of business? I thought they had just moved?
  5. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    It's confusing. I actually went and saw them a few weeks ago-they moved in with Island Pools on Hwy 70 in Garner near the old Lowes. I was told they just did not renew their lease and had moved in with their sister company until they decide where to relocate. They had chemicals, but could not test water. If anyone finds out anything please let me know.
  6. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Luvgoose.

    I've never used the one up at White Oak but I did use their main location on Hillsbourgh St in Raleigh for some warranty work on my salt water system and to install a heater for my pool and was extremely happy both times.

    I ended up using the one on 42 this time for the chemicals. Time will tell if it was a smart move or not. I like the location so I hope it works out.

    As a side note, if Clearwater told me they were trying to decide on a new location I would probably laughed in their face! I wouldn't think that any business that is relocating would fail to notify customers they have sold items to in the past! Besides, we are entering peak pool season and to not have a location by now kind of tells me something!
  7. Smudger

    Smudger Well-Known Member

    Clearwater may have been good at testing water with their computer, but that was all. They really f'd up our pool when they installed it and refused to even come look at it without charging us for "warranty" work and their "inhouse" installers were far from being employees as stated in our contract. Glad those fools are gone now!
  8. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    Was sceptical about Capitol when they told me about a chlorine demand- but it does happen- needed alot of Burnout(best product for clearing your pool). I test regularly with strips and haven't had a problem. Algae was a problem in the beiginning and Bioguard's Burnout is the best for clearing that as well. Bought tablets at Clearwater(new location)-went through them very quick- sticking with Bioguard! )not bashing Clearwater- hope they get their share of business as well.
  9. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Unless I have my pool stores mixed up, Clearwater recently moved into the business center on 42 roughly across from Austin Pond.

    I use Rising Sun Pools up at White Oak, no complaints.
  10. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    I've used Capitol Pools on 40/42 and have had no troubles for two years. Was sad when Josh got moved to the 70 store because I think he knows more than the person that's running the show now, but all in all I think it's a good place.
    Plus, the chemicals are cheaper than online or even Walmart.:hurray:
  11. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    The new manager at Capitol pools on 42 is pretty good. She knows her stuff and I see her treating customers with respect and knowledge. I myself use Water Management since we have a 64000 gallon pool but I was impressed with her at capitol.
  12. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    How recent were you in that Capitol Pools location?
  13. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Pardon the hijack, but I have a quick question about pool supplies...

    Do they still sell liquid hydrochloric acid?

  14. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Amazingly, yes. Lowes Home Centers has it as Muriatic acid in the paint section for cleaning concrete...nasty stuff. I have a gallon you can have for free.
  15. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Tuesday of this week. There used to be a young lady there last year that knew nothing.
  16. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    <deleted by author>
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2012
  17. canesfan

    canesfan Active Member

    clearwater has relocated on 42

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