When I was in high school back in the 70's all the female teachers looked like they were dragged up from a dungeon. You would never think of having sex with them. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/1...teacher-allegedly-having-sex-with-4-students/
The paper reported that the video showed a woman's back while engaging in intercourse with at least two students with others in the room. A student pointed out a distinctive tattoo on the teacher's lower back. Oh crap, I hope she isn't pregnant with puppies.
One of her charges was "improper relationship between educator and student". It scares me that there IS such a charge.
Another charge is for 'deviate sex'. I hope this charge stems from the sex with students and not the position or number of partners, because that isn't something that should be legislated.
The teens are considered adults, but the law protects students from a relationship with someone in a superior position. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/15/texas-jury-sees-video-teacher-allegedly-having-sex-with-4-students/#ixzz23jN6Zadz
Similar to a jailer and an inmate. They might both be over 18, but the law doesn't see it as "consensual".
The teacher got 5 years. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/08/1...fter-group-sex-with-students/?intcmp=obinsite