Ban on shooting firearms in Johnston County on private property?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    As they say in the social network arena, this topic is "trending." How do you weigh in on the issue?

    [e-mail below was received at Global Headquarters concerning a petition.]

    Hello friends, as many of you have heard the Johnston County Commissioners are trying to ban shooting for any reason other than Hunting or "activities under the supervision of Law Enforcement"

    No targets, no skeet, no sighting in for the hunt, no self defense... please please immediately sign this petition and forward it to everyone you know.. then be sure to attend the Commissioner's meeting on Sept 4th

    Time is of the utmost importance here.. they have already voted on this once in secret and it would already be law if Commissioners Woodall had not been ill.

    They lie and say "oh no" this is not what it looks like, its only for the people causing a problem, but friends, let me tell ya, intent that is not written into the law only survives the current panel and can then be enforced against law abiding citizens at will.. Act now or forfeit your rights and those of the next generation
  2. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Additional info on the subject:

    Here is the link to the upcoming agenda for the board meeting on September 4th when this issue will be up for a second vote:

    As covered on Grass Roots North Carolina:

    WRAL news story:

    Good Neighbor Firearms Ordinance Information
    (Previous actions taken on this subject.)
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  3. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    The only reason to shoot a firearm within the city is for self defense.

    If you live out in BFE and want to shoot varmits be my guest. But at least out there, you are far less likely to hit an innocent bystandard. If you want to shoot that bad, join the military.
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Also we gun owners need practice, practice makes perfect right? :p

    One of the main reasons we bought LAND was to eventually have a small range for us to shoot on.
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Is this a cross between an innocent bystander and a bas-My Friend?
  6. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    yes...damn them all
  7. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Yes....which is why I say it should be ok out there in the sticks but not in the city.
  8. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I don't know the story behind the reason for this new ordinance, but I'm guessing my neighbor would not be able to afford enough ammunition to annoy me by target practicing. I'm thinking that is probably the case here also, and that the old lady in question is just being a pain in the butt.

    If my assumption is correct, and if she was my neighbor, I would make sure not to shoot my gun anymore. :evil: But my legally allowed noises and other legal annoyances would drive her absolutely insane. Since roosters are exempt, I'd have as many as the law would allow. I'd run a wood chipper at 7:01 am on a regular basis. It wouldn't stop until she begged for mercy.
  9. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

  10. mom23

    mom23 Active Member

    Your assumptions are NOT correct. He is shooting at all hours of the night. Driving people crazy. We can hear it from our house and we're 2 miles away. I DO NOT support the shooting ban though. It's just stupid.
  11. Wicked

    Wicked Member

    Well, I'm pretty libertarian when it comes to guns. But I can understand the noise issue. I wonder if those sub-divisions have covenants that limit shooting?
    Technically mine does, but I live on the edge of the swamp and we hunt it so there'll be shooting no matter what. One a-hole messes it up for everyone and then they go and try to legislate it for the whole county instead of trying to regulate it in their own system. It could be they don't have one, and I understand that too.

    Now, I did shoot my AK on the back part of my property a few times when I first got it, but I saw that it was going to make way too much noise so I stopped. If I shoot it, there's no mistaking what's going on at 30 rounds in 45 seconds - semi-auto of course. Man, it's fun. Planning on joining a club soon so I have a place to go. Hell, this is one of the reasons I moved to JoCo.

    However, I shoot my .22 often back there with no worries. Sounds like a firecracker compared to those 7.62x39's.

    I plan on being at the meeting and will be contacting the folks who will be voting. If you're on Facebook share it out to your friends and families.
  12. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Before they pass this ordinance (and even if they do, i'll just play dumb) could we (my daughter and I) come sight in our rifles? I have a 30.06 and she has a 22 long. I have 1.5 acres, but am too close to other houses to safely do so.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Pretty much.

    And why can't this just be covered under noise ordinance/curfew?

    It looks to me like a feel good law, like "no talking on your cell phone while driving". How will it be enforced? Be glad your neighbor can't target practice on his own property while somebody down the road is having their door kicked in.... There are only so many deputies on duty @ one time in this county.

    I love when folks try to move somewhere and turn it into where they moved from.
  14. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    This is a quote from the News and Observer story that ran in May:

    " The neighbors have started counting shots, with 3,000 logged in the past 60 days and nearly 200 on a recent Monday alone"

    Now I'm not saying that this new noise ordinance is the right answer, in fact I'm sure it's not, but 3000 rounds in 60 days is a lot of shooting for a sub-division. At what point does his shooting go from acceptable target practice to him just being a giant jerk? There are currently no laws to stop him from shooting constantly from morning to night, which is apparently what he's doing. So if not this, then how do you stop him?
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I think it is very possible this has turned into some kind of neighborly ****ing match.

    It is also very possible the neighbors could have found something better to do with their time than count gunshots... which surely increased over time :jester:
  16. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Actually growing up here in JC I'd get "buckets" of 500 rounds of .22 ammo and do target practice on a Saturday afternoon and run through all 500 rounds having fun plinking.

    I wouldn't say that 3000 rounds in a 2 month period is alot.
  17. SuperDoug

    SuperDoug Guest

    Western NY Transplant

    I originally moved down here to get away from NYers, I can't stand them. If everything was so great up there, why did you move. Don't tell me its for the weather because you could move to California and have beautiful weather all year long and you wouldn't have to change anything, they're already a bunch of tree huggers that share your "we have to make everyone just like us" view on life.
    I first moved down and rented in Cary, and couldn't stand it. Everyone I talked to was all about "it was so much better up north, they do everything so wrong down here".
    I bought a house in Joco to get away from all of the uppity yankees that try to make everyone live as they see fit. I guess its my fault there here now, they must have followed me!! :x:x
    They've already passed an updated noise ordinance and this guy has been visited by the Sheriffs Dept numerous times and he's never been arrested or fined so he's within his legal rights. He lives in a sub-division, the HOA should be able to adopt a covenant to deal with this "problem". This should NOT be a county wide issue. :beathorse:
  18. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Welcome to JoCo SuperDoug! Please close the gate behind you, we're full!!
  19. Edward

    Edward New Member

    Ban on shooting firearms in J.C.

    This should be covered in subdivision ordinances,and should apply to city limits only at the most. Why do these officials take the ignorance of 1 and set forth ordinances against all?I live 14 miles out of city limits,1/4 of a mile off the road,the nearest home to me is 7 or 800 yrds.I zero rifles for locals,and have a mound of dirt i shoot into.The bullets dont leave my yrd.I also have a concealed carry permit that ive carried for 8 yrs now without incidence.Ive tried every thing i know to pacify these people.[Taking one right at the time] is how we are enslaved.Ive lived in johnston county 50 yrs.Purchased 3 properties, Raised 2 kids and this is where my whole family is from.I thought the pursuit of happiness was a God given right.I guess I will have to go pursue it some where else in another county,state,or country.I guess they dont want people like me in [THEIR COUNTY] !!!!!P.S. God Bless you all,Peace Out.
  20. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    It's the noise! People are tired of hearing it. Do people not have a right to peace and quiet also? That's why there are noise ordinances.

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