Re-read what?? That you argued a point that started with In the end society benefits,, pretty clear cut Bub
There is a difference between the assumption that education means less crime and welfare and criminals are not educated. Besides that, (and take it from someone who's been in), not all criminals need their GED. I, myself, got a college degree in Computer Science before I was released. (I already was a HS grad) Seems to me I remember Ted Kaczynski was a PhD. Ted Bundy was a graduate from University of Washington. Bernie Madoff graduated from Hofstra University. Ok, you win this one. I didn't trim the quote enough.
Osama Bin Ladens 2nd in command was a UNCG graduate!! Freaking Liberal arts colleges!! Sherry "Who cares if he's a terrorist!! He serves a free education like the rest of the illegals!!"
Clif you are wrong about education and crime. More educated areas do have less crime. HOWEVER this is more because people are expected to get educated so the areas with more educated people are people who follow society norms and expectations, not because getting a Master's degree keeps anyone from committing a crime. I think what you may be trying to say, is spending alot of money on public education and "prioritizing" it doesnt do a thing to slow down crime, or make education better. DC for years spent enormous amounts of money/student on public education and was consistently horribad with regards to results. Regarding the Roman empire, well they did last for a thousand years doing things their way, but their real issues came about when they starting printing money (debasing their coins to make more of them) wholesale to pay debt.....wait that does sound familiar!!! I guess the folks at the Fed spent all their time figuring out how to make toxic leverage and did not read history books.
Now, you see? You make a statement like that and everyone cheers. I say, "No" and everyone wants me to post proof. This list shows the ten least educated countries in the world. Senegal, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Benin, Guinea, Niger, Chad, Mali, and Burkina Faso (the very least educated). This list shows the most crime ridden countries in the world. You should be able to note two things about the list. First, not one of the "least educated" countries appears on the list at all. Second, notice the top ten countries on the list of most crime ridden. Compare that top ten with this list of the ten most educated countries. Do you notice that half the top ten educated countries are also on the top ten of the most crime ridden countries?
There might be an issue in that there probably isn't anything worth stealing in those countries! :mrgreen:
Crime is relative to the rule of law in a nation too though. If you dont have many laws/people/etc that will affect your stats. I honestly thought you were talking about areas of the USA, because at the risk of sounding callous, I honestly dont give a shart about the crime rate in Ethiopia.
Well, if you want to justify it, please feel free. I understand the liberals are now wanting to put the "Are you better off then you were four years ago?" in "context". You can say whatever you want to say. You can declare that less education means more crime because your neighbour on the left who dropped out was arrested but your neighbour on the right who graduated did not. Put what you want "in context" if the facts don't fit your knowledge.
From one of Clif's links for Ethiopia Adults prosecuted 291,479 [6th of 28] DEFINITION: Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence. SOURCE: World Development Indicators database
Cool, you found two things... 1. An anomaly in the data. 2. The fact that I can't seem to spell Ethiopia.
Until you pointed out that Ethiopia was, indeed, on the list, I didn't know I had spelled it wrong in the page search.
Fact is, I thought we were discussing the US. You miss that part? OR are you so busy typing BS you dont bother to read?
I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about humanity as a whole. Silly me. But, hey, you can trim away whatever facts don't fit your desired outcome until you get the answer you're looking for. Please, be my guest. We'll just leave it as... In the United States of America, people with lower education tend to be more inclined to commit crimes and get on state funded welfare... Unless they don't.