AT&T U-verse

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by elims, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Anyone in our area have AT&T U-verse? Is it even available out here yet, or does anyone know anything about it? I go to AT&T's website to check for service in my area and it doesn't recognize my address. A bad sign. Several coworkers in other cities have recommended it ... of course, they don't realize that we live in the middle of nowhere when it comes to modern technology and high-speed advanced capabilities and whatnot ... ;)
  2. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    only in select areas ....i'd be shocked if it comes to Joco in the next 10 years.
  3. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    I have a client off of Sauls Rd who is having U-Verse installed tomorrow. He is supposed to let me know how he likes it after he has had it for a few days.
  4. smallone

    smallone Well-Known Member

    I've had it for a year and a few months. I live at Glen/CSR. Love it, although I have to call them to see if I can change out my masterbdrm box-- its giving me issues. Much less hassle than TWC and I have all my stuff (cell, Internet and TV) combo'd now.
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    what are do you live in? just curious if it is available in mine, don't really know where Glen/CLS is.
  6. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Cleveland Library has been using U-verse for a while.

    Because of the wiring and distance from Glenn Road and Cleveland we only get 18.0 speed.

    The specific problems we experienced were the 1-3 hours on hold and in loops getting to the correct ATT rep and then the 5-6 visits to get a line problem fixed. The last service interruption kept the library off the Internet for a week. I think they said the problem is that their service involves many divisions of ATT operating as individual companies. One to bring service to Glenn Road, another to bring it to the building's main wiring point, the next to bring it to our suite, and then one to connect and burp the U-verse box. Once there, they said we were on our own to figure out what to do with our dozen or so computers, switches, and printers. Our phones, FAX, and security worked fine until an ATT man worked on the line in the building. Then we needed another fellow to fix the new damage. During the many visits from repair people, we were told that the same lights we've used since 2003 and the garage door were probably the reason behind the outage, despite the phone lines working.

    I saw a Time-Warner ad for 50 speed, but they already said they wil not serve us. One reason suggested is that they don't want to pay the repaving cost to install underground wiring.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  7. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would check in to see what users of AT&T's U-verse have to say about their service.
  8. hhicshg

    hhicshg Well-Known Member

    If you have a land line or could have one where you want the uverse what company would supply that for you?
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    The problem is it's coming across phone lines through a DSLAM which is a layer 3 switch. Distance and weather will wreak havoc on that. Time warner is offering extreme for 49.00 I am getting 50Mb.

    But remember you're only as good as your weakest link which in these cases are the websites you go to. Most of them will not allow you to download at the capacity you pay for. Not even for updates. At the most you will only get 2 mb down. If you are lucky.
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I have at 50/42. I hate it.
  11. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    isn't this entire area served by Centurylink?

    If so then your AT&T UVerse is only going to be as good as your Centurylink phone lines will allow.
  12. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    DMJ mom--why do you hate it?
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I don't get good signal throughout the house. Long story short...I had AT&T DSL forever, then cancelled it temporarily (again, long story) then when I went to get it hooked back up, was told they are not putting anymore DSL out in that area, it was all being changed over to U-verse. So I had no choice, if I wanted to stay with AT&T.

    We have the same computers/tablets we had before, it was only a few months difference between the DSL and U-verse. The "tower" (modem, whatever it's called) is in the same room, doing the same job, but we have to be close to it in order to get online half the time. They did come back out and give me a new tower when I called them about it, but it's still not as good as the DSL was. Very wishy-washy.

    I think maybe if you have only one computer in a small house, it might be ok. But we have a large house with a computer, 2 ipads, 2 ipods and a kindle and I think it's just too much for it.
  14. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    Where did you get that deal? I pay $45 for 10MB from TWC. How long is that price locked for?
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I called and asked for specials.
  16. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    Did you get some type of company discount or are you a new subscriber? I just called and they said it would be $89.

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