Another Break-in thread

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by waterengineer, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. waterengineer

    waterengineer Active Member

    Had someone get into my car, parked in the driveway, very early Tuesday morning.

    Totally my fault the items were taken....I had my hands full and left my purse in the car (under the drivers seat), forgetting to get back out later to get it. I know....:cry:

    Anyways, the dog wakes me up sometime between 12a-3am with some alarm barking. I really didn't pay a lot of attention to it because she does do this sometimes at night (I think 'possum or something on the front porch, not burglar). Get up Tuesday morning and start taking my stuff to the car, I notice that the arm-rest center console thingy is lifted up. Hmmmmmm...I don't remember leaving it up. I get in car and notice the little tray from console is on passenger seat and the pens scattered on seat. Hmmmmmm...

    I back out drive and see neighbor stopped down the street. Wonder what he's doing. I head out towards work, but just don't feel right. Turn around and go back home. Neighbor pulls up and asks "is this your purse?". I check under the front seat and yep, it's gone. Crap.

    Whoever it was, took the purse, tossed it down the street. Tossed a bottle of muscle relaxers. Left the $250 Garmin 500 in the purse. Took my checkbook and wallet that had 4 various credit/debit cards, DL, pictures, and other misc stuff. Called the sheriff and had one come out and take a report. These guys/gals even opened the other car in my drive and looked in console.

    But, get this....they didn't take the iPod in my console, $80 in glove box, or $5 in the ashtray-type place. :confused::confused::confused:

    I canceled all the cards, stopped payment on the checks. Crazy. So - this afternoon after working in my back yard, I was leaving the back yard and looked over to my right and saw something in the yard. ?? It was my checkbook with no checks missing. :confused::confused: I retrieved this and thought maybe I should look more. I found my wallet with most of the cards still in it and the rest scattered in the fringe of the woods.

    Someone else on the main street (Country Lane) was also broken into. I don't know what, if anything, was taken from them. Needless to say, I am making sure everything is locked up, but still a bit unnerving/weird...weird that they left my stuff scattered all over the place....

    Thought I'd let y'all know......
  2. cranky

    cranky Well-Known Member

    What area do you live in? There were some problem youths in the Cleveland area that were taken care of with a hunting trail camera...
  3. happy128

    happy128 Active Member

    Just discovered this morning--sometime this weekend, we had someone go through both cars in the drive. Our fault because the doors weren't locked (then again a lock is only good for honest people sometimes). It appears only my ipod was taken from the console. Thought it was strange to be open since I usually shut it and had thrown my ipod in there after running.. They left some kid's electronics so it seemed to be a quick grab.. Then my husband called this morning and said his ipod was taken and they also opened his trunk and went through his gym bag.. so not really a quick grab?? Anyway, lock your doors and hopefully it will at least deter them. We live off 42 near Driver's License office. Never had any trouble in the 12 years we have lived there..
  4. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    We had an attempted break in to our garage on Saturday night around 11pm. I was asleep and heard the door being pulled on (metal, uninsulated door that we keep locked) and vibrating when it would slam back down. I hit the panic alarm on my car and turned on the spotlight before coming downstairs to look and sure enough they were gone when I went outside, but there was some indentions in the gravel from something being dragged.

    Last Wednesday our neighbor had a car pull into her driveway and the guy said he was working in a neighborhood close by, but the owner wasn't home to pay him and he needed gas money. She told him she didn't carry cash on her and he left, but I bet it was someone canvasing our neighborhood. UGH!

    We live in the McGee's area off Mt. Pleasant.
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    What I don't understand now days (and for the last few years) is why anyone would leave their vehicle doors unlocked to start with.
  6. happy128

    happy128 Active Member

    You are exactly right.. in my case just got distracted with kids and forgot to do it. I guess I am happy I don't have broken windows though.. a positive in all of it.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I can only speak for me, but I never lock my car doors. I lived in Hollywood for a couple of years. After having to replace every window in my car and every lock (before the days of auto unlock key fobs), including trunk, it's just a habit I developed. I don't leave ANYTHING in my car that anyone would want. And the things that are in there they can just have.
  8. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    They can have my car!
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We learned that lesson living near St. Louis. It's cheaper to just leave the doors unlocked than to replace the broken windows. 8) So we generally leave nothing in the car I'd be upset to lose, even here.
  10. gdogg79

    gdogg79 Well-Known Member

    I agree. Just yesterday my husband reminded me to lock my doors and I said, "Why?" I don't keep anything in my car either and don't want to deal with replacing broken windows.
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    locks are to keep honest people honest.

  12. waterengineer

    waterengineer Active Member

    I live in Stephanie Woods, not the one directly off of Barber Mill Rd, but I do live off Barber Mill.

    They also didn't take a $250 Garmin 500 that was in my purse. And, why do I not lock my car doors? Grew up never locking anything and it's a hard habit to stop. I did lock my car doors & apartment when I moved to Charlotte in 1984. I just don't like locking them. Always have to remember to take keys with you and generally, I don't leave much in my car that I can't replace, though I did leave things in it at this time, which are not easily replaced.

    BTW, Saturday afternoon, I was walking up one side of my fenced back yard after working and I looked down and saw something blue. WTF?? It was my checkbook! No checks missing either. I decided I might should look around more and looked closer to the woods and I found the wallet as well. All cc's, everything still there. I don't get this. Seriously?

    Any ideas??
  13. tryingtomakeadifference

    tryingtomakeadifference Active Member

    Another rash of break-ins in our neighborhood. This time it was cars all down our cul-de-sac. This just a week and a half after the attempt on my garage. Grrr.

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