This article references 4 new Sheetz stores, one of which was anticipated at 42 and Cornwallis. The article says they are in the due diligence phase.
Granted that McGees Crossroads isn't really a town, but they said the same thing when someone asked about that area. Now there's one at 50/210. I think they just look online to see if there's one listed on their website, and if not, they send an e-mail saying there isn't going to be one. Based on the article from a year ago, they've already investigated properties in the area.
It would seem strange to have 2 store on 42 within 2.5 miles of eachother. But I'll take either as I live exactly halfway in between lol.
Update on Sheetz at Hwy 42 and Amelia Church Road. Apartment complex directly behind the proposed Sheetz will be built first.
Yes many of them did years ago when the plans were being approved. Since then the original developer sold the property and some of the residents have moved away. The biggest concern is the impact on an already congested intersection. Glad we can avoid this intersection.
They must have some real funding going on. Saw about 20-30 guys working all day Thanksgiving day with all kinds of heavy equipment. Talk about overtime. Looks like they are going to develop all 9 to 11 lots there at once as well as build that new road going through there. I saw the engineers mapping out the new road as well the cut that will connect on the 42 side. Looking forward to it! Maybe it will push someone into developing the lot on the opposite corner.
I grow more skeptical about a Sheetz being what is built at 42 and Cornwalis. The site and the way they are preparing it doesn't seem like it would work for it. Keep in mind this is not much more than a hunch and my 5 seconds of daily research as I pass by.