Problems @ Cleveland Middle?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ari, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. ari

    ari Guest

    We just moved into the 40/42 area about a year ago and heard wonderful things about the schools around here. But recently, I have started to hear that Cleveland Middle is not so good to go to right now. Nothing truly specific but starting to worry since my child will be going there next year. Anyone heard anything or have their own experience to relate? Thanks.
  2. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    We started there this year. No issues . We think its great, and Son loves it. Also, they do a real good job keeping 6th , 7th and 8th graders seperated.
  3. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    Cleveland HS is the one with the problems - constant fights and drug issues.
  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    My kids have said it's worse this year than last. they've been going since it opened. They said there are fights there almost every single day. Sad b/c I had such high hopes. I know fights and such happen but things do seem to be declining by the things I've heard from not just my kids but others attending there as well.

    Stephanie-- mom to 10
  5. ari

    ari Guest

    Thanks for the replies so far. I will keep on looking into it but I am very disappointed to hear bad news about both Cleveland Middle and Clevelend High. A major deciding factor in where we moved is because we were under the impression that the schools were great in this area and there were less problems. Specifically, we had heard terrible things about Clayton High which is where our daughter would have went previously eventually. I know that you can't keep children totally away from everything nor do I expect that. But I certainly did not want there to be substantial violence & problems in my child's school. I want her to have as much socialization and diversity as possible but not at the expense of her well-being and kind nature.
  6. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Cleve MS or HS? Just reading this seems like HS not MS
  7. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    I think what's heard about schools is dependant on

    who one is hearing details from.

    I had a daughter who attended CHS & graduated from there 5yrs ago. We never had issues there pertaining to the school.

    I now have another daughter her first year @ CHS and she's doing fine as well and "enjoys it" (considering its school).

    Don't sweat the schools until the child gets in there, I say. Schools obviously can/do change from year to year on how people perceive them. This shown in your comment about moving away from CHS district that your child would have ended up going to -and now based off what you are hearing about Cleveland area, it seems it may be no better (but you won't know that for sure until your child goes there).

    Sounds like private school may be an answer if you want to keep your child away from stress/distraught that can happen in public schools with the variety of students that will be encountered.

    Me, personally, my child will do just fine in any school because it will be/is her choice on the way she chooses to deal with/interact with her peers. She has to learn about the types of people somehow/sometime and how to cope so may as well start now :)
  8. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Curious how they graduated from Cleveland HS 5 years ago, when it opened in 2010, and this year will be 1st graduating class?

    The first graduating class will graduate in June of 2013. Or was CHS regarding clayton
  9. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Ooops ... I'm still use to CHS being Clayton HS ..
    So yeah - I'm talking Clayton High School. I know nothing about any other one :lol:
  10. pocahontas

    pocahontas Well-Known Member

    For what it's worth, at least a couple of the recent fights have been between kids that were districted to Cleveland HS from Clayton MS...make of that what you will. This is also the first year Cleveland HS has had all four grades in attendance, so there are more students, therefore, statistically probably more altercations than in the previous 2 years since it opened. My experience with our kids has been that Middle School years are generally a drag,no matter what school you go to.
  11. wackybrit

    wackybrit Member

    I can say, that as a parent, my kids have both had nothing but great experiences at both Cleveland Middle and High. My eldest is in the 12th grade at the High School this year, where she has had nothing but good things to say. No matter where they go there will be issues you have to deal with, but I have been very pleased with their experiences so far.
  12. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Ok my fault. Thread was about Cleveland.
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I think it's probably the hoodlums some of you raise and try to be their best friends instead of whooping their butts on the daily!!!


    Just kidding. I don't care either way
  14. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Not a problem at all regarding the misunderstanding...

    I mentioned Clayton HS because the poster did bring up Clayton HS on another part she posted (her 1st response to the others).

    No biggie though ... schools are schools and will have issues within them wherever you go so (of course that's my opinion)
  15. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    yep. ALL schools have issues, count on it.
  16. Ksokol22

    Ksokol22 Well-Known Member

    Homeschooling is another option if you are worried about public schools. When my daughter is ready for school, she will be homeschooled due to my experiences in the schools around here as well as my sisters' experiences. Plus I have many more reasons to homeschool which have nothing to do with the schools themselves.
  17. Tbo

    Tbo Active Member

    Tacky Day Shamble at the Cleveland Middle School

    Cleveland Middle School had "Spirit Week" this week for the kids. Well, it seems over 100 kids were pulled out due to inappropriate attire on tacky dress day which was today. I was called because my son wore long PJ pants. There were students in the office having to change clothes because of wearing PJ's also. Several girls were in the office crying. The principal had put all these students in ISS which I think is unacceptable. Yes, the school needs to enforce the dress code but obviously the students needed clearer communication. They should have better communicated to the students -NO pajamas. Most 12 and 13 yr olds are not going to think pajamas are inappropriate. The principal should not have pulled over 100 students and disrupted the school because of a communication issue. I had to leave my work to take pants to the school and I was threatened that my son would be in ISS all day if I did not come.

    When I discussed this with the principal, he talked to me like I was a 10 yr old and told me to go ahead and call the board. Which I have. I would suggest if you had a student involved in this to notify the board how unprofessionally the Principal handled this situation. You can contact Ed Croom, Superintendent of Johnston County Schools,, Phone: 919-934-6032.
  18. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Odds are you were treated like a ten year old because you were acting like a ten year old.
  19. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    My DD asked her HR teacher about PJ pants yesterday, her teacher thought it would be fine, but told her to check with the office first. So the teacher didnt even know the rules.
  20. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    When I was in HS, tacky day (the whole spirit week) was a fun thing where students used imagination to dress tacky and fun -- hopefully unique to what others had on. Sounds like thes days kids are being just too lazy to put thought in what to wear so opted for the quick fix of not having to think of anything and put on (or kept on ) the ol' jammies.

    Also, just wondering if its factually known that the students may have been told what Not to wear and didn't abide by it ? (We were verbally told of things not to wear) They may have figured that if bulk amount of students wore same (ie .. PJs) then nothing would happen to them.

    As for the girls crying ... so what?! They need to suck it up and move on about it. It's s not the end of the world & they'll be crying many more times thru their HS years I'm sure.

    Principal aggravated by all this? Surely ... and just as the crying girls, he'll be aggravated many more times thru-out the year ... at students and parents.


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