More things that make you go Hmmmmm....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Saw a presentation today by the CEO of Did not realize that they have been on the web for 16 years, and have archived 5.5 billion documents that can be used for tracing family trees. He described one of the ideas that they are working on for the future...basically taking the pain of research out of genealogy. How?

    The idea is that they will send you a DNA test provide a sample, send it back and they map it. As their database grows, they will be able to make "connections" for you automatically, based on DNA matches. Very interesting idea, but talk about opening a can of worms! 8)
  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Are you sure this is not a government front? :)
  3. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I participated in something similar with another DNA genealogy company last year. They compared my DNA, Y and mitochondrial, to indigenous databases throughout the world to trace my lineage. This showed the likely movement of my ancestors going back a few thousand years. I have received names of people whose DNA differs very little with me. According to DNA, we are relatively (no pun) closely related. I have communicated with some of them. And, just as I expected, I have the "Viking" gene. There were some surprises about the routes of migration.

    Although I sometimes hear helicopters flying overhead, none of them have been black and I have not had any black-clad special ops characters show up at my door, yet.
  4. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    What a great idea! I'm curious about what that service would cost though?

    And I wouldn't worry about DNA and the government. In a single work day you typically pass in view of 75 video cameras that are connected to DVR's. And 90% of those cameras are networked for mobile or off-site viewing. The majority of those can be hacked for access very very easily.

    Clif, They don't need your DNA, they have you on the screen right now. :jester:
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

  6. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

  7. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    who knows you could find out you are related to Kevin Bacon, like they found out his own wife, Kyra Sedgwick, is...!
  8. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    You also get fingerprinted on your way into Disney World now. They match up your ticket with your thumbprint the first time you go in to prevent someone else from using your pass the second day.

    Sounds like a a great program for the FBI!
  9. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I thought the very same thing when we went last year. Even though I don't have anything to hide, it's unsettling to have that done when you pay 125.00 to go inside. You also use them for the lockers on site.
  10. Straitlover

    Straitlover Well-Known Member

    It's not your actual fingerprint. It's your index finger, and it generates some kind of algorithm based on the bones in your finger.

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