New FM station 95.3 "95X" rocks..

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Copperhead, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    No, it's the hypocrisy. Buzzyboy has set his sites on any number of posters over the interminable time he's been here. He's a troll. Always has been. Always will be. Does it make it right? No. Guess what? You are just as much a troll as he is. You've ridden rough shod over this board for years, get banned, come back and keep right on trolling. The fact that you can't see your behavoir has been nearly identical is hysterical Mr. Perpetual Motion Man. Build a bridge and get over it.

    Or just stop posting, which is what the majority of people are doing until webbie gets the balls to stop tolerating this craptastic behavoir from more than just you and buzzyboy.

    No one likes to be bullied and there is plenty of it to go around and not just from you two @$$clowns.
  2. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Not a lie, a mistype (I had commented about the personal attack and then added the parenthetical comment later).

    Well, since the webmaster has taken down the posts referring to "Ms. Cliff" I can't produce them.

    But do you recall being a bully? You stioll are and I'm not going to stand by and take it anymore.
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    But no one likes a bully like you (except maybe other bullies).
  4. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Again, I notice you blame me but not one word from you about Monkeyboy who is the source of my anger and frustration and the ultimate cause of all this. If Monkeyboy would not follow me around posting rude and annoying posts degrading me then this would not have come about.
  5. Rigmaster

    Rigmaster Well-Known Member

    Someone needs to re-adjust their tin-foil hat.

    I said that YOU had ruined this thread, because you have. I'm not saying that Monkeyspank is not guilty of annoying you, but you obviously don't get the point.

    I'm out.
  6. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    This board has turned to total crap. It's sad that webby is letting a few people ruin what used to be a great site.
  8. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    What a wasted time reading this thread. ban both!
  9. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Same here - the guy has totally changed the complexion of 4042. Most of the reasonable people have retreated.

    Oh, not to be on topic or anything, but I havent heard 95.3 yet. :lol:
  10. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i would encourage everyone to delete their own off-topic posts in this thread. thank you very much.


  11. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm letting my sentiments stand. I'm fed up. This site used to be fun, I loved to hear what folks were up to, what was going on in the community, sharing information and making friends. You can't do that here anymore because a handful of folks have nothing better to do than be jackwagons every chance they get.
  13. Copperhead

    Copperhead Member

    Thanks dangerboy and webbie for the info....95X flat out rocks..
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh I agree with you on something... We listen on iheartradio when not in the area.

    Now off to see why this thread is 7+ pages :confused:
  15. Rigmaster

    Rigmaster Well-Known Member


    And I'm curious about why this thread (and others) show that they have more pages than they actually do.

    Looks like some sort of forum software glitch (??).
  16. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    The page count is based on the number of pages *before* posts starting getting deleted. That gives you an idea of how many posts were deleted!
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yep, The Random Thoughts thread has lost almost 200 posts over the years.

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