Clayton Hospital

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sassymom, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

  2. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I know from a good friend of mine that Duke had been looking at Johnston Health but the are now out of the picture. I would then like to see either UNC\Rex or Wake Med to partner with them. Never heard of Vidant Health.
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    Vidant Health runs Pitt Memorial in Greenville.
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    As long as they don't move any further back to the tree line behind them, I'll be happy.

  5. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    They are wonderful! We're very fortunate to have them close by. I visit them often! LOL I am wheelchair bound and when I had to have an MRI they ask me at Raleigh Neuralogy if I could bring someone to lift me onto the table???????????? I immediately told them to schedule at Johnston Hospital on 42. They never have a problem transfering me. When they see me coming they automaticly call two strong men nurses!! They transfer me like I weigh 10 lbs. LOL They never complain and because of my illness try to get me in and out as fast as possible! Pat
  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    What would be nice is if I can get past this semester of Nuc Med and make it in to clinicals. Doing clinicals there with Emma Caroliine.
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Oooh... and look... letter in the mail today to all their abutting neighbors.... Jan. 17th at 6:30 for a meeting about their plans.... at the 42 med. center in one of their conference rooms. We'll be there....
  8. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Make sure you give us the low down on it, Thanks
  9. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    Oh we love them too, we have had to take ds twice.. my little dare devil :jester: they have been great with him and very nice to us!!
  10. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    If they make is a hospital, with beds and all...will it be staffed with all sorts of doctors?
    I ask because when I was having all the kidney trouble last year and I went there, and I had to be transferred to Rex., There was no urologist on call to come to the hospital. I would like a hospital that has all sorts of doctors, at the very least, a phone call away.
  11. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    I've had nothing but HORRIBLE experiences with JMH/Johnston Health...violating HIPPA laws, mis diagnosis and not to mention, they almost freaking killed me when I had my son.

    Is it sad to wish they'd just go out of business??
  12. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    which one are you talking about? the one in clayton is just an er.... i like that i dont have to wait for 4-8 hours as at any other er. and have not had any problems really other then some of the drs dont have a bedside manner.
  13. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I agree about Johnston Medical Center; my experience was less than pleasant. I went to the one on Route 42 when I had symptoms of a heart attack Dec.15th, and was transferred to JMC to be admitted for observation/testing. I spent 3 days of incompetent treatment, starting with incorrect dosage of my meds, resulting in them telling me I needed insulin (I am type 2 diabetic and control it with metformin). Never again. At least they are in-network with our insurance, so that is in our favor. Can't wait for the bills to start coming in. I told my doctor on Wednesday, when she asked why we didn't call her first, that we didn't because she would have just told us to do what we did anyway, am I right? And she agreed, yes, she would have.
  14. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I went to the ER @ 42 about 2 years ago in extreme pain. I was pleased they got me in and out quickly. However, they told me a small cyst was causing the pain and I should just follow up with my family doctor. I was given pain meds and sent on my way. Thankfully I went to see a specialist right away. It turned out that small cyst was actually a 12 cm tumor that was ready to abcess and had already done some damage.
  15. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    You can request to be transferred to a hospital other than Johnston Medical Center in Smithfield. ER on Hwy 42 is a great addition to Clayton but I will be requesting transfer to a Raleigh hospital for our family when required. JMO
  16. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    This is good to know, for future visits if necessary. This ER is SO close to us. We did not know my experience would be what it was; I guess we live and learn! :neutral:
  17. lynkrn

    lynkrn Member

    You will also be charged for the transfer if you decide to go to any where else but their hospital in Smithfield. I was told this by the ER staff last year.
  18. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    I will gladly pay for the transfer!!!!!
  19. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

  20. daisy8869

    daisy8869 Well-Known Member

    I have had two very good experiences at JMC in Smithfield. I had my son there in 2010 and I had appendicitis in 2011. I received very good care and would not hesitate to go back at least for an initial diagnosis. I have had several family members who suffered from poor care at Vidant Health in Greenville so I hope they do not partner with them.

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