Just got back from that horrible, horrible store and they had forgotten to activate the phone. For goodness sakes........... dd, I have to have this one right now for work related items. Hopefully not for long though. Sherry
I think I might have to go see an opthamologist, I believe I pulled a muscle rolling my eyes too hard.
We were about to upgrade our cells and the stories I am hearing about the Droid, not just here, Makes me want to avoid it like the plague.
Which one do you have??? I was thinking about selling my laptop, if I didn't get another one I would just use my phone.
Based on what I have seen in this thread, the problem lies with the service provider. It may also be due to the cheapness of the phone. There might be 200 to 300 different phones that run the android software. If your phone is very old, very cheap, or feature limited you will pay for it in the long run. My phone retails for about $500 but I have needs the average citizen does not.
Yes, I thought I would save some money by switching from Verizon and a phone bought from them to the Straight Phone plan from Wallie World. I have never ever had a problem with a phone until this. I've had this phone and service for somewhere from 8 to 9 months, I think, and now all of this. Stupid is as stupid does! Sherry