Sheetz coming!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Harvey, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. oggsmash

    oggsmash Well-Known Member

    I have to say, I would be a repeat customer for 100% certain if there was a sheetz at the Cornwallis/42 intersection. I say do it.

    Two I do think would be overkill, but one there, I am all for.
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    JoCo does have density regulations. Basically there is 1 residential zoning in the county, unless its a PUD (of which there are only 3 in the county that i am aware of), and that is AR (Agricultural Residential). The density is 1.5 units per acre. Period. No more. A 100 acre tract will give you 150 residential lots to be put in there any way you like. You must give up 15% land as open space (if you provide amenities like a pool or park or whatnot) and i think 20% if you provide no amenities. So out of that 100 acres, you put aside a pool lot on 1 acre, you give up 15 acres for open space and that leaves you 84 acres to get in 150 residential lots. You can make them as big or small as you want (providing you can get septic areas on each lot, unless you have sewer capacity). In theory, i could take that 84 acres and put 150 - 6000 sf lots all at the front of the "100 acres" and cram them in there as tight as possible. So lets look at it as a rectangle. Front third are lots, middle third is nothing, and back third designated as open space.

    Here is the fun part.

    Now you ask why cram them all in the front? Because if i use the front 2/3 of the property, i have to build more roads, more water line, more sewer line. So it is most cost effective for me to cram them all in as small as possible, build less roads and less infrastructure.

    However i do get BF'ed by doing that. Lets say i manage to get all my residential in the front have. 50 acres gone for houses. The back 15 acres for open space. That leaves me 35 acres of land that i cant do a thing with other than donate it to more open space, retain it by owner and pay taxes on land i cant do anything with, or donate it to a non-profit. I bought 100 acres of land and paid X per acre and can essentially use only half of it. So i, in a sense, paid X for 100 acres, but only got 50.
  3. canesfan

    canesfan Active Member

    I heard that Sheetz backed out of the 42/Cornwallis location. Anyone know if this is true?
  4. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't surprise me. I never expected that they'd build two along 42 - one at Cornwallis and one at Amelia Church.
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Why not?....that way they could get you no matter which way you turned off of the 70 bypass.....LOL
  6. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Any update on this? If so, developer has put a lot of $$$ in this project that will take some time to recoup investment. Hopefully Sheetz originally put some $$$ in the project.
  7. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    when i drive past 42/cornwallis where the sheetz would be, IT is totally deserted!!!! All the work rigs and trucks are gone!!! Is this corner lot gonna stay looking like it is????
  8. Ksokol22

    Ksokol22 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, those two locations could benefit from a child care center. Or maybe a park? When I head up to 42, no matter which way I take, I pass 2-4 gas stations. The 4042 intersection has like 6 gas stations on either side of 40. There is no competition. Their prices are all within a few cents of each other. If there were only 2 or 3 stations there it would make more sense. The fewer the stations, the more money those fewer stations will bring in. I mean, TWO Hess stations right across from each other? :banghead:
  9. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    From what someone else posted about the 42/Cornwallis corner, its not supposed to have a gas station there. It was all supposed to be zoned for businesses (like doctors, lawyers, banks, etc) There was a zoning plan on here at one point. The only mention of Sheetz was at 42/Amelia church after the apartments were built there.
  10. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    It was gonna be a sheetz at the corner there 42/cornwallis at one point, based on info from someone doing the work there.
  11. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

  12. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Sheetz at Hwy 42 and Amelia Church is not even close. They informed the Town of Clayton Planning & Zoning Board they would not build until apartments were built directly behind their location. No progress on apartments!
  13. 740i Guy

    740i Guy Well-Known Member

    42 and Cornwallis is a nightmare most days at 5:30. Traffic backs up all the way to Walmart many times. And regularly stacks up all the way to the Clayton bypass bridge on Cornwallis. I'm not looking forward to anything to aggravate that.

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