's your typical stupidity to preach about something not being political, which I agree, yet you felt compelled to post this topic on the political pit....along with all your replies to your own thread when nobody else would. You are just an idiotic hypocritical imbecile. Plain and simple.
They are called updates for people who cannot get to other links at work. I will not go into my thoughts about you at the moment because this is for Boston and America. Sherry
Yeah as much as you were ashamed with Bengahzi, sure didn't see this outrage and all from you during that period. Why is that?
I'll bite, since you don't care about what happened at the Boston marathon. And let us never forget you don't care about what happened in Boston yesterday. Sherry
Don't presume you know anything about how I feel about Boston. There is nothing for you too bite at by the way, except yourself.
Maybe to you, but as you were in the Maxine thread and others around here you're as lost as lost can get.
Obviously not,, when one is running around as lost as you are it's understandable to not know anything. Stalker ?? Lol.. Ok. Dr Zachary Smith.
Ah but you love to follow my posts and threads. You may never stay on topic, like talking about the explosions at the Boston Marathon because you don't care, but you love to stalk me.......on here and over there. Sherry
How can we not?? You post non-stop and then reply to your own threads in hopes someone will "see you" and respond. Pathetic. As for the marathon, yes, it's terrible. But let's not pretend this is Pearl Harbor or 9/11. I feel worse for those babies who are being murdered via late term abortion....but of course you are avoiding that subject like the plague.