They find stuff on Craigslist for free and then turn around and sale it. Which isn't against the law.. It's just wrong. There could be people out there that can use the stuff and can't afford to buy the items on their own so they look for free stuff. Knightdale, North Carolina
I've posted a bunch of random free things at once on craigslist and had people come and say they wanted it all. I just told em to screw off.
It is just the point of these people doing this when there are needy people out there... But what can I do?? Nothing. I just know his email and will not let him come pick anything else up again. I had posted another couch & chair last night and they emailed me asking to come get it ASAP. I told them "No, I gave you a free chair and then seen it on Facebook for $60." They email back saying it wasn't free... They had to waste gas to come get it, man power to get it, & time to clean it. Ummmm no one told you to drive from Knightdale to Clayton to come get it.
Just a thought here, but perhaps they buy and sell to make ends meet? Maybe they pick up stuff that's gonna be tossed, clean it up, and then sell it for a profit so that they can feed their kids, or stay off public assistance? Those who live in glass houses, and all that jazz.....
I'd rather see a person make the effort by gathering the stuff, cleaning it up, selling it to earn money, than hand the panhandlers on the road money. All they do is stand there, pretend to be homeless, without jobs. They DO have a job - begging for money. Apparently it pays well. Also, think about it - a lot of free stuff is free because people don't want to make the effort to toss it, take it to the thrift shop. I know we give away stuff for the reasons mentioned here - that someone who needs it could use it. If someone who turns around and sells a free item is disturbing, think "why"? because it is a missed opportunity on our part? Pass it on, let it go. Someone else makes money off your free item? Good for them! I figured this person taking my old couch or whatever is doing me the favor of clearing my house without the hassle of negotiation, delivery. Sometimes a situation is win-win, depending on how you choose to see it 8)
I can see both sides. If I donate something to say Goodwill or Harbor House or a church yardsale, my intention is that it be used to further a good cause. If I give someone something for their own personal use, I would expect that when they are done with it, they also give it away for free and not try to profit from it. That's just me though, obviously others see it differently.
They didn't even use the chair I gave them.. I seen it for sale like 2 hours later. But yes maybe it is their job, BUT don't say you could really use it when you call about an item. It will not happen to me any, well maybe it will but it will not be by them.
Well the Karma train came back and hit them... They could not sale my chair.. Which is why I was giving it away.. Duh! So they dumped it up at 42 where the post office place is.. SMH