30 Mile Yardsale

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by AnnetteL, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

  2. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    I can't wait...think it will be fun! If anyone wants to come set up with me, they can; I live about 50 yards from Hwy.301 and have plenty of yard space. Also, my friend owns a flea market here in Benson, and was told the other day that her place will be the beginning of the yard sale on this end. She will be renting spaces around her shop ( I think she has 4 acres), not sure how much but anyone interested can call Mary @ 919-868-9449.
  3. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    I think it'd be fun to walk the entire 30 miles....but I'd be too tempted to stop and look, so I'd better leave my wallet at home!
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Awesome!! Cannot wait.

  5. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Have a feeling it's going to be like driving thru Benson during Mule Days, as everyone drives up and down 301 yard sale surfin' from their cars.
    Still, hoping for nice weather ... will be interesting to see and shop!
  6. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to refresh this post since the sale is this weekend. I would love to have some other folks set up with me on Saturday; if anyone is interested, just message me. We have lots of room and I can see Hwy. 301 from my house; should have lots of traffic. I may have some baked goods and my girls are doing lemonade. I may even put some BBQ in the crockpot so we will have lunch ready!
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    So glad you brought this up ... wondered when this was!
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I am glad you brought this up too. I was thinking this was in August. Hopefully it will not be to hot this weekend.

  9. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    30 mile yardsale=30 mile traffic jam

    Nooo Wayyyy!
  10. SarahE

    SarahE New Member

    Hi, 2not2! That's awesome of you to offer your space to others! I did want to let you know that food sales are not allowed, unless they're done by locals businesses or non-profit organizations. Some towns have even adopted ordinances prohibiting food sales for the weekend. I just wanted to let you know so that you don't bake a lot of goodies and then get stuck with them.

    Having said that, we hope that it will be a great event, and would love to hear feedback after all is said and done!
  11. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    That's dumb... I think if a kid wants to set up a lemonade stand on a hot day, let em. It's not like there's a lot of stuff to put in it. It's Kool-Aid and water and some sugar.... Geez, People are too sue happy anymore.
    And I've been to the Clayton Christmas parade and there were people handing out FREE hot chocolate... What makes the difference It's your choice to spend your money on lemonade or bottled water (which is a huge way to make money!, since average cost per bottle is less than 20 cents)
  12. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    2not2, Just advertise you're having a yard sale and you can do it on your own property... I'm sure you'll get plenty of traffic.... Let's see the po po stop you from selling Lemonade and Sweets.

    What are you supposed to do, postpone your yardsale to be more accommodating for the 301 30 mile yard sale>>> Hogwash, DO AS YOU PLEASE I SAY!
  13. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    I seriously doubt anyone will have a problem with my kids doing the lemonade, and as far as the baked goods, I will only do them IF I have time.
    Even if I do, am I TECHNICALLY part of the 30-mile sale if I am not ON Hwy. 301? The BBQ that I am making is just for me, my family and anyone else that is here, at my home, to have sandwiches for lunch. Geez...:?
  14. SarahE

    SarahE New Member

    Hi, everyone! I'm not trying to come down on anyone, just trying to prevent any misunderstandings/problems.

    With the sale extending an area of thirty miles, there is a potential for many food vendors. Because many food vendors must be inspected by the Johnston County Health Department, it could be very difficult for them to inspect everyone.

    Additionally, one of the goals of the event is to bring commerce to Johnston County -- some people will buy gas here, eat in our restaurants, and stay in our hotels. We decided to limit food vendors to businesses and nonprofits so that someone who serves "fair food" but may live hours away or in another state, doesn't compete with the businesses in the county that pay taxes and give back to the community, or the nonprofit organizations who do great things in the community. I hope that makes sense; please let me know if it doesn't.

    Given that you're not on 301, you would technically not be part of the 301 Endless Yard Sale, but you would still need to check your town's requirements, as some require permits (they're free) for yard sales, and, like I said, others passed ordinances prohibiting food vendors.

    Again, I'm only trying to help! If you have questions, I would be glad to answer them; I'll check this thread periodically. Also, again, we appreciate the feedback!

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