guy selling books door to door-BEWARE

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 1sttimegrammy, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. 1sttimegrammy

    1sttimegrammy New Member

    Watch out for possibly a Mercury Mountianeer newer model beige/tan SUV, license plate looks like 5RHH132 seen in Creekstone neighborhood approximately 3pm today - a foreign man Thomas - wears glasses, dark green backpack, black hair, maybe 5"5', wearing a blue bracelet from ECU, wearing a gray tshirt - going around selling educational books, insists on coming into the house to talk about the books. Have heard that he has been coming back later that night & breaking in/robbing the houses. He has been at other houses in the neighborhood for the last few days. Please contact the police if you see this man.
    Has any one had this happen to you or know of anybody that was a victim? I was told this was happening in Harnett County as well!
  2. Lucy

    Lucy Well-Known Member

    This is true. I heard another case in Creekstone! PLEASE BE ON THE LOOKOUT!
  3. scomkto

    scomkto Active Member

    He's was in my neighborhood several times last week. Off of 1010 road. We did not let him in though. Creepy and strange acting he was.
  4. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    I hope these were reported to the police
  5. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    We have had some of those guys in Benson as well. Ours was a college-age kid on a bicycle. Said he was from somewhere up North but was staying down here (forget what college) as a summer internship program. Never insisted on coming in the house. We actually have the books he was supposedly trying to sell, so he wasn't here long.
  6. jbarrow0811

    jbarrow0811 Well-Known Member

    I think this is the same kid that was in our area about a week or two ago. He did not ask to come inside at all, just sat on my steps. Nice kid but he didn't want to take a hint when I didn't want to buy any books. lol Same people came last year too and a few neighbors bought from them. Its creepy that there is another person doing it to try to scope you out though. Thanks for the warning!


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