PRISM TV - CenturyLink

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by tassy, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. bhawley

    bhawley Member

    Any updates?
  2. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I have had the triple-bundle from CenturyLink since December. The Cisco router had to be replaced at the end of January. The new router (Cisco) has to be reset about every two weeks when I lose internet and video. Other than that, the products are comparable with TWC. My main irritation has been the $250 Visa gift card that I was promised when I switched to CenturyLink. They had been stringing me along since March until I had enough of that. I called them up last Friday and threatened to file a fraud complaint with the NC AG's office. That got somebody's attention as I received a call yesterday telling me that the card was "approved" and would be coming my way.

    If you switch, don't let them screw you out of anything they promise you. Their customer service leaves a lot to be desired.
  3. stay-at-homer

    stay-at-homer Member

    Their customer service is absolutely the worst I've ever had to deal with. To save a little money, we chose to add home phone service in addition to the internet service we already received. Seems like a simple thing, right?

    How to condense the mess that followed...? Three different techs had to come out before everything was up and running. The mistake the first tech made was uncovered when we called after the tech came out and we reported we had no phone or internet (the mess had something to do with the type of box we had due to the previous owners having PRISM as well). But because all the different departments are fragmented, the notes that were to be added to our "order" never made it to who needed them.

    Five days later, we had everything finally working. I work from home- very frustrating experience.

    I've never been more unimpressed with a company and how they operate.
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    6 months and I am done! Anything that was promised to me was not delivered and/or I had to work for it. I started counting a little ways in and I had logged over 8 hours on the phone with customer service (a little each month). Gift cards not delivered. Bills incorrect. Fees wrongly applied.

    Their customer service is a complete joke. When cancelling the service I was told I would have to pay a $170 fee, but when I informed them of my troubles and that it takes two parties to uphold a contract (they did not uphold their end whatsoever) they let me out of it. However, it keeps coming back. Each technician (and their manager) assure me it will be taken care of and then I receive a bill a month later or a call from a collection agent.

    We had missed technician appointments (no-shows), incorrect bills, poor service, missing gift cards, you name it, we had it.

    On the upside I was promised a Samsung tablet, $250 gift card for signing, $100 gift card for taking first installation appt, and a $50 gift card for going to paperless billing. I got about $600 in incentives, but it took a lot of energy to get them to follow through on it.

    I also plan on filing an official complaint with the AG's office once I am sure all of my CL accounts are settled and closed.

    Back to TWC. :(
  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I'll add my .02.
    had 2 guys stop by the house a few weeks ago selling the Prism tv. We have Dish and have pretty much been problem free, we just don't like losing the signal when there are storms and we'd like to have DVR for other rooms. So, they tell us they can install for free, we can try it out then make a decision to keep it or not, gave us basically the same rate we currently have (our dish is bundled with our centurylink bill) - so we decided we'd give it try.
    The guy comes today to install - after he explained what he'd be doing (disconnecting the dish wiring) I asked him what happens if we decide we're not going to keep it (cause my main concern is it cost). He tells me that Dish will have to come out to reconnect Dish, and that would cost us a service fee - also said that free installation is for 2 rooms, the sales people had said we could have up to 3 rooms, but tech said it would be an additional cost for 3rd room. Called DH, let him talk to tech too - so we told him that was not our understanding (about all this) so we would not be having him install. Plus I'd already read these posts, so I was already feeling a little worried about getting the gift card and other stuff promised to us. Tech took pic of order the salesman gave us with his name and number - said it happens all the time. The tech was VERY nice and polite - too bad they get screwed by dishonest salespeople. :evil:
  6. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    Well, back with TWC and done with CenturyLink after 7 months. Their products and customer service sux. One would think that after speaking with customer service and personally returning their equipment, someone would ask you why you cancelled your service. Not a word from them. They do not care about a customer. They did not give me that $250 Visa gift card that I was promised after 3 months either.
  7. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Then that would be fraud. I fought hard to get everything cleaned up. I refuse to let companies like that get the better of me.
  8. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    Has anyone tried the U-Verse from AT&T yet??
  9. Troybaldwin

    Troybaldwin Member

    i wish i could but its not offered at my residence.
    sick of TWC
  10. Bluewillow

    Bluewillow Well-Known Member

    Any suggestions for tv providers in the area of Cornwallis and 42. Centurylink says that Prism is not offered here. Are Directv and Time Warner my only options? We are contemplating going over the air, but would like to still record. DH is looking at Channelmaster and Tivo. Thanks for any info!
  11. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Try AT&T u-verse, they just recently started advertising in our area. I have their internet, but not TV, so I don't know anything about it.

    REXAMUS Member

    Build an HTPC(Home Theater PC) to do the recording for you. You can get XBMC and watch TVs/Movies for free. I've had this setup for 5 years and love it.
  13. Bluewillow

    Bluewillow Well-Known Member

    I think that this is what my dh might be considering. Could you direct me to any sites for additional info? What local stores do you recommend for the components. All of this is over my head. Thanks for your help!

    REXAMUS Member

    Cheapest way is to repurpose an old computer you have laying around. is the best place to go.

    You don't need an extremely fast machine to do simple things. Just make sure you surf for good deals on the items you want. I recommend getting an SSD as well as they are pretty awesome and fast.

    This is the case I have:

    It looks nothing like a computer sitting under my TV.

    Get this to control it but don't pay anywhere near full price for it:
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  15. Bluewillow

    Bluewillow Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your quick response. You have been so helpful. I think I may go by
    Tigerdirect today, just to see this in person. I don't know of any other computer stores around here. I'll give my dh the info too. I know he's used Newegg before. This is all new to us but sounds like what we need to do. Stay tuned! I'm sure I'll have many more questions!:)
  16. mgzd

    mgzd Well-Known Member

    Kicking a sleeping dog here, but I am having my annual melt down with TV and internet bills and service.

    I tried Prism, they offered me the same price on internet I'm already paying.

    I contacted DISH, my current provider of TV, and gave them an opportunity to lower my bill in exchange for being an loyal customer. They said lower your package or refer a friend.

    Then I tried AT&T u-verse online and they couldn't even locate my home to see if we could get service.

    I realize it hasn't been long since this was last talked about, but has anyone come up with a new option?
  17. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Mohu leaf antennas for our TVs - one-time charge around $40 each, Earthlink for internet @ $29.95/month and we already owned our modem, and OOMA for telephone @ under $5/month plus $120 for the controller (OOMA Telo).

    Beats the heck out of paying TWC top dollar, and the satellite companies aren't much better than TWC.

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