Missing Dog hwy 210 HELP!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by trident2, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I would also contact all the vet offices in the area as well as the nearest PetSmart. If someone finds her they may even take her to a vet or PetSmart to see if she is microchipped. They can be on the lookout for her there and a picture would also be helpful. Praying also she is found soon!
  2. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Any luck? Hope you find her.... It would have been easier for me to have looked if I had another set of eyes in my truck.. Thought someone would have called the law on me as many times as I went up & down Reedy Creek this morning.
  3. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    1morepitbull, thank you so much for doing that. We just have gotten back from riding around looking for her. No sign of her anywhere. We were told the last time she was seen was behind the mans house in the woods who owns the heating and air company on Lassiter.

    If she went into those woods behind his house then she more than likely made it into the neighborhood on the left when you first turn on Lassiter from 210.

    We are loosing hope that she will be found. At this point we feel as though someone picked her up, she's at someone's house in the neighborhood above or the worse case scenario.

    This has been a very trying time for our family. I sincerely appreciate the massive amount of people who have contacted us and for all the support that you all have given us. We are hoping for the best but planning for the worse... Thanks again everyone.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
  4. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Just in case you had not had a chance to post it on Facebook,I just posted it there,hope that's ok!
  5. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much Annette. We don't have a Facebook account so it really helps to have someone post it for us.
  6. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    my son is out looking. We live on lassiter. Will let you know if we see her!!!
  7. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Be sure to call the local vets and boarding facilities and also check with both the Wake and Johnston County SCPAs...

    The vets are esp. important in case anyone brings zoey in looking for a microchip.
  8. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Probably a good idea to call the Clayton Animal Control officer as well as the one for Benson, Garner, Four Oaks, and other surrounding towns. Perhaps call the police depts in general.
  9. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    I've also posted your info in the Cat Dog forum here on 4042.com.
  10. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Peppercorns and bostonredhead, thank you for the advice and the help. I have contacted the shelters, animal control, sheriff, etc. and I have spoken to and other folks have talked with the farmers. I really hope she turns up.

    And to the webmaster, thank you so much for putting her on the front page. I just noticed it. It means so much to our family just knowing this community has cared enough for our daughters little dog as well as us to help so much.

    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I hope and pray she is ok and gets back home. I put her on my facebook page for other locals to see. My heart just breaks for you.
  12. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you peppercorn. It's been a tough ordeal. We picked up my mother in-laws dogs and Pet Perfection didn't charge us for the boarding for any of the dogs. She was sorry that it happened. I'm just so upset that it did happen.

    For anyone who doesn't know: in the state of NC, dogs are considered property. The only thing you can do is get the cost to replace the dog lost and boarding depending on the waiver you sign you may not even be able to recover that.

    Please, anyone who boards their dog: make sure the place you choose has checks and balances in place to insure this doesn't happen to you. I know Pet Perfection didn't mean for this to happen, but it did and unless she's found nothing will change that. Pets are like family and to know she could be lost, hurt, hungry, etc is heart breaking.

    I'm exhausted. We haven't really slept in 3 days. I will check back first thing in the morning. Thank you so much everyone!
  13. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Can webbie add it to the 4042 Community FB page? then we could 'share it ' on our pages.
  14. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    if you are *friends* with any other 4042ers on FB you can share theirs, I shared peppercorns earlier this morning
  15. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    We added Zoey's pic to the 4042.com Facebook page yesterday....here's the link:


    Please share as much as possible to increase the chances someone will locate her. Thanks! 8)
  16. poptart4breakfast

    poptart4breakfast Well-Known Member

    Make sure you post to craigslist lost pets and triangelostpets.org

    The more people that know the better chance of someone recognizing her. I live near 210 and will ride that way as I come and go. Stay positive!
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    As always, this group of 4042ers are just an awesome bunch of people. Cried when I read about the lost pet and cried more at the responses. We are so lucky we have each other.

  18. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    I am overwhelmed with all of the responses and concern from our community. I can't imagine the pain a parent feels that looses a child, its been extremely tough just dealing with our pet/family Zoey missing.

    We are hoping that she is found soon. With all of the help and support you all have given, she has a better chance of being found than most pets do. This has helped us tremendously with the grieving process just knowing so many people care. Our daughter is amazed that so many people is looking for her little dog. She told us: "if she's not found its not because we didn't try, everybody is looking for my dog". It has helped our hearts more than words can describe.

    I have said it already and I will say it again: You folks are awesome people! If I can EVER pay it forward I WILL! Thank you ALL so much!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013
  19. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this will work...but I've been told that if you place clothing or something that has a heavy scent of someone familiar to the dog near where they were last spotted, it may help. If she hasn't traveled too far, she may circle back anywhere she has been especially if she found a source of water and/or food. If they find something familiar, they will continue to come back in between their searching for more food/water. Might be worth a try.
  20. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    I just posted Zoey on my FB page....I'm off of Hwy 50, a bit farther down from 210 but maybe it will help anyway.
    Saying prayers for a happy reunion!

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