What should I do ?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by wackybrit, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. wackybrit

    wackybrit Member

    I was assaulted last year, and was granted a restraining order because of it against this person. The order will be up soon, but he didn't leave a restaurant my daughter was eating in, which really upset her, and I have had feedback from websites with him doing searches for me on them.
    I have no interest in ever seeing this person again, and don't want to stir anything up, but at the same time need to feel I have some protection......what do I do?
  2. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I'm not an attorney by any means but I would revisit the judge with the same info you just provided us and request either a new order or at the least an extension of the current one. Prior to seeing the judge I think I would take this info to the DA and see what can be done. Good luck.
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I'm not big on guns but I have seen enough news to know that restraining orders don't seam to stop certain types of people from still doing bad things. In this instance I would recommend getting a firearm for self protection. Just my opinion.
  4. wackybrit

    wackybrit Member

    Thanks for the feedback. As far as guns go, the thought of having one around scares me, but not as much as he does. I'm going to call Monday and see what the process is to have this renewed. I appreciate your opinions, and know I will at least have the law on my side should he decide to break the order.
    There are some sick people out there, that's for sure.
  5. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I def think you should do as suggested with the DA and the order of protection. I also am an advocate of a firearm ONLY if you go through training to become more comfortable with it as to not get hurt or hurt a loved one due to fear. I have more respect than fear of firearms and am very glad I grew up around them and was taught that respect. I feel much more secure with one.
  6. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Was your daughter part of the restraining order? The only reason I ask is by not leaving the restaurant he may have already violated the order if she was part of it. Like I said, I'm not an attorney but even doing web searches on you might be a violation of the order. I would just take all the info I had and see the DA first thing in the morning.

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