Please schedule open houses on different dates, especially for middle and high schools that are fed by our local elementary schools. PES and CHS same date, same time makes it near impossible to get kids to both such that the information was worth the trip.
:iagree: While we are not in that situation, one day we will be. Provided we stay here long enough. I think it should be staggered as well, as it alleviates parking issues at some locations (McGees in particular)
Was a BIG issue for us b/c we have kids in elementary, middle and high school. In addition, many of mine have multiple teachers due to needing extra help. Meeting resource teachers and such takes time. My son had an appointment at neurology that day made 6 months prior. Could not miss it. So it was just me. My husband could not tag team this year. After elementary school, I barely had time to make it to the middle school to grab the schedule. I arrived at elementary school at 5:07. Started at 5 though by then, NO place to park. Never even made it to the high school. Different days would indeed help. I spoke with many other parents that had the same exact problem. Great suggestion and hope they listen. Stephanie-- mom to 10 (soon to be 11)
I would like to know why our high school just started working on schedules the day of open house? Some of the kids schedules just did not make sense. When I called the lady that answered the phone said they were just working on the upperclassmens schedules with the open house that same nite.
A/C would have been nice. I guess it costs too much to run. 6th , 7th , and 8th grade all at the same time?????
The state has a new system in place for info/schedules and it was FULL of issues this past week. Student Services have been trying to get schedules printed for a couple of weeks, fighting this system every step of the way. Finally, the "powers that be" were contacted in Raleigh and things started falling into place...of course, in Thursday! I guess it is better LAST Thursday than this coming Thursday!!
:iagree: McGee's Middle was chaotic, didn't have my daughters schedule in the system, we were redirected for "help" three times before reaching the correct room and parking was a nightmare.
And what's the deal with changing the Bus stops? Now we have to walk nearly a 1/2 mile to get to the stop? when there are 3 kids at this stop, and only 2 at the one in the beginning of the subdivision. These kids are not High schoolers, but young ladies. When it gets dark this fall, it'll be a lot more dangerous. Stops should just be the same, at least in this subdivision, because of the way the streets are set up. I understand that they have to change based on needs, but the needs didn't change from last year. so what gives? there are just as many kids at this end of the subdivision that there were last year.
Right .. but its very beneficial for parent/student. Plus, I've heard it mentioned before by school staff ... "well, we did/do offer open house for the parent to come see the classrooms/meet teachers". So yeah - they should stagger it a bit better for the school differentials instead of laying it all on the parents. Sorta like having to pick up HS schedules during parent work hours .. why not just mail them out ? After all, they took the time to mail a letter telling the hours of schedule pickup. Not to mention reports cards having to be picked up (HS) last year during the same type of work hours that parents are at work... Thought everyone was suppose to work together for benefit of the student .. not have it so parents have to do all the juggling & struggling.. Just sayin ....
My boys are in 11th grade...and looking back....I would not have fretted over 90% of the mess I (and every other parent) fretted over, over the years. That's all. In hindsight, same outcome whether I went or not. And I won't even bother complaining or commenting on the High School scene. I mean, you get practically ZERO info., help or input from high school, yet in elementary and middle school, you know anything and everything....and don't need it. High School and it's details are way more important....and I will just leave it at that.... but I do agree about the 'Report Card' nonsense, and having to pick them up on "our" time, is beyond ridiculous.
My son, who is a senior, has been working with my company part time for the last 2 years. Today he told me he has to quit here to go get a new job. He has to get a job related to one of the classes he is taking. Has to work 200 hours (has the whole year to do it but...) and it doesnt matter if its paid or unpaid, just that he has to do the work. Top that.
What program in high school is telling him this? My daughter worked while in high school but it had nothing to do with the school. Just wondering. What type of work is he looking for? Maybe you can network here to help him. Sherry