Potential House "Casing"

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tardevil, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    Just a neighborhood alert - 'tis the season....

    Sunday morning at 7:30 "new time", a young man banged on my front door, rang the bell repeatedly. Hubby had just backed out of the drive to run an errand. Spoke to the man through the door, did not open. He said he was looking for his dog. He described it as small and brown. Really?? at 7:30 on a Sunday morning? This occurred in PWoods. Another neighbor has said the man stopped as his house, too.

    Keep eyes and ears open!!
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Can you give a better description of this 'young man'? Race? was he driving a car, or walking?
  3. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    Might it be related to this?
  4. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Sad day when everything becomes

    a sign of paranoia/consuming life as to the wickedness potentials of the world.

    I'm up at 7:30, been up for about an hour - and outside at least once. I have dogs, they go out before 7:30 to potty. I don't find the situation unusual of someone looking for their dog.

    I know nowadays to be "alert" of all situations around. But really, pup could be a fast runner/wanderer, man may have had to get more dressed (since it was early a.m.) to go after him and by that time pup was out of sight .. so man knocked on doors. OR could be pup was an outside dog and man could not find pup where he usually is so started the hunt for him.
  5. 26.2

    26.2 Well-Known Member

    Just my two cents but if he was going to rob you would he give you the opportunity tto see him up close and speak with you?
  6. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely right, it could have been exactly what the young man said...however, I have a dog, as do most of my neighbors. I have talked with them, and not a single one would go banging on someone's door and ringing the doorbell at 7:30 on a Sunday morning. Was the person going to rob me then, I don't think so either. Was the person looking to see what was in my home to rob me later, perhaps. The young man was seen in the neighborhood with a slowly driven maroon car...also could have been looking for the small brown dog. It's all up for interpretation.
  7. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I don't find it too strange. I have 3 dogs. I usually let them into the yard around 5:45 am when I wake up, then I go jump in the shower and get ready for work. I go to the door around 6:15 to let them in. If they somehow got out of the yard, I would be all over the neighborhood at that hour looking for them But I don't think I would pound on anyone's door at that hour unless I saw someone up and about.

    Personally, if someone came to my door at that hour, yelling and pounding, they would be met with my German Shepherd and my shotgun.

    So I can kinda see both sides of that.
  8. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think a lot of folks are early risers, especially with dogs. The banging on the door and repeated bell ringing was unusual - just my opinion. I was frightened.
  9. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    We have walked our dog lately in Twisted Oaks and run into a small brown dog with some black edging on ears, no collar, very friendly. No one seems to know who he is or where he came from he never seems to stay in one place long. Sounds like the inquiry maybe legit.
  10. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    Not that I want any dog lost...but, I want the event to be legit, too!

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