Prayers needed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sirputz, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Please pray for me and my family....3 young kids included

    Things we need: Food, a haircut or two for free (cause we're broke like crushed ice), a second job for Dad, Gas to get to work...

    Been to food bank in Smithfield (While I was at DSS and JLH Community Action) and called Salvation Army to no avail.

    Also, our two "Female" bunnies that were a gift for my daughter had babies. So newspaper that we can shred for litter, or building materials to build additional space outside is appreciated.

    If you have or can drop off any of these items (other than the prayers) PM me for the address. We're not far from 40/42.


    the Nicksich's
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  3. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I know it takes alot to get on here asking for help. I know of a church in Clayton that opens it's food pantry the 2nd Saturday every month. Just know that you aren't alone.

    Christ Community United Methodist Church
    1082 Amelia Church Rd.
    Clayton, NC
    It's right across from the Clayton Community Park
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Sports Endeavors in Mebane is hiring like crazy for manufacturing people. I know it is a long ride but maybe for a second job or another shift, if the money is okay, it might be worth it.

    Will keep your family in my thoughts.

  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    What kind of materials are you looking for to house the baby bunnies?
  7. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    I figured the bleeding heart liberals would be all over this. Oh well, at least you're in their "thoughts".
  8. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I saw that... what the hell is that supposed to do for someone? I'm sure the OP was comforted knowing they were being thought for.
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Guys, the OP was asking for prayers and help. Don't you think the political crap is out of line here?
  10. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    It's not political, it's religious.... :jester:

    I will hand it to you, you're right. In the spirit of the original post we should avoid further random bashing in this thread. I just don't understand what good it does to think about someone unless of course the thinker happens to be a member of the Kogi tribe.

    So if someone doesnt pray, maybe they can offer help? Those were the two options correct?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  11. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Not at all. Sherry and her kind, including you, are for redistribution of wealth. Surely you can spare a little more than your thoughts?
  12. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Just go away... how dare you post your garbage at the expense of someone who is struggling. It doesn't take a so-called bleeding heart liberal to recognize when someone needs some help. It's called human kindness and maybe you should go get some compassion.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Please don't take this the wrong way, I only mean for this to be taken as good advice. If you are able to have a computer and money for internet connection then its time you reassess how you are spending the little bit of money that is coming into your home. Even if you are going to one of the local computer stores to use their computers for a fee, you're still not spending money wisely. Scissors are usually a household item, so cut the hair yourself. If you have a cell phone/house phone get rid of one of them. Talk to all your creditors, power company etc. and ask for a hardship form. Apparently your husband has a job, if I'm reading your post correctly, at least that was the impression. If so, then the two of you need to seek free council on how to handle your finances, have a yard sale, pawn your jewelry/TV, etc. Sale anything and everything that has monetary value. Give the rabbits to a rescue group. Instead of asking for building supplies it sounds like you're in more need of food. But you ask for building supplies? When you are back up on your feet, please go out and get Dave Ramsey's book Financial Peace University. Its a big eye opener and full of great advice. Better yet, message me your address and I'll send you one of his books.
    Once again, I don't mean to be critical here because I don't know your situation. Just trying to throw some ideas out there to you.

    Good luck and I hope things get better.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  14. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Ok, First off--this post was not in any way religious. Prayers are to me, the same as thoughts. I forgot we have to have self righteous, obnoxious, and argumentative, everything has to be political people on 4042. Otherwise, it would just be a great board to find out info on our neighborhood area and keep in touch with our extended neighbors.

    When I moved here 3 years ago, I found out about and joined, not knowing anything in the area other than the Walmart. This site and the good people on here helped me out. I've also been able to help others on this site. And THAT is what it is about. Ask Abdulina, Rocky, and several others. I've come to their aid and helped them when I could.

    What I, as the OP am asking for is help---in a multitude of optional forms. Financially, food, building materials (a list will be provided in another post), or PRAYER/good thoughts. I didn't say Pray to Jesus, Pray to Allah, or Pray to Ganesh or even no one at all... I left that open to you.
    And yet the political crap that accompanies nearly every thread on this site comes out.

    Yes, I do feel comfort knowing that others are thinking of me and my family in this tough time. If you wanna know how we ended up here, ask. It's a long difficult journey to lose two well paying incomes to having to file bankruptcy only a year later. Not knowing where our next meal is coming from when you are used to having snacks in the house (and in your lunch) is quite a change to endure. I've had peanut butter and jelly for 4 days of the 5 this week in lunch (and not much more to go with it)....One day I got beef stew (thanks Dinty Moore).

    I am so thankful for any help we can get....If you'd come by the house, you'll be welcomed with open arms and a hug of thanks. And that's from me. Who know's what the two yr old will do. Probably bring you a matchbox car.

    Now, To those who are thinking/praying and offering help, a HUGE thank you to all of you. You have given me additional food banks (and job listings) to apply at. I am headed to one in just a few minutes now. And i'm applying for a few of the Raleigh jobs this afternoon, just gotta tweak the resume.

    Please know that if there is something I can trade you for, I need leaves raked for some gas (and not gas money, but you put gas in my van at the local station) and my daughter and I will be out raking. If you need your windows cleaned, or house dusted, or whatever I am able to do...I will do it. I have an extensive skill set, so ask and I may just be able to help.

    I am not looking for handouts specifically, I am willing to work in return...

    So thank you for your thoughts, and prayers, and offers.
  15. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Things I need to build the outdoor sheds....4*4's (30 feet), a sheet of 1/2" plywood (or something close to it), wire for the bottom and sides, and contractors glue (to attach the shingles left over from the original hutch). I have some wire staples (probably could use another box) and I think I have a few spare hinges and locks (we got critters that like to get in)

    Right now, because the mama is still nursing, the bunnies are litter (not kitty litter b/c of the dust factor), newspaper to shred, or the paper litter/bedding for bunnies....Food is taken care of by my in-laws.
  16. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Oh, and couple other things....A brita Water pitcher with filter (our water is high in iron, so high my son cannot drink it) and diapers...Size 3, or pullups in size 3T-4T...we're close to having him fully trained, but for times he's in the car....
    Baby Cereal (Oatmeal, Barley, Rice), baby formula (Gerber Good Start Gentle (which is pretty cheap comparing to Similac and Enfamil) is what her tummy tolerates best)

    Coupons for personal items, etc.

    And if we can't or won't use it, (not because we're refusing it, but because we don't want to be wasteful) we will tell you. I did this at the food bank with a bag of cornmeal....have not a clue what to do with cornmeal other than hash. It would sit and go to waste, so we gave it back so someone else could use it. Took a can of black beans in exchange.

    Feel free to PM me anytime, I check 4042 daily, sometimes 3-4 times a day.
  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I read that you are going to tweek your resume. I would be willing to help proof it and give suggestions, if needed, if you'd like. PM me if you want this help and I will give you my email address.

    I'm also networking to see if I hear of any jobs located closer than Mebane. If I do I will certainly let you know.

  18. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    We have a Brita water pitcher than you can have. My daughter will be in town next weekend so maybe we can meet you somewhere to pass it off.

  19. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    You are right, you do not know our situation. So here it is. The last 3 years in the best order I can remember. We got married, I found a job at Caterpillar, my wife worked at Carquest in Raleigh. We both had well paying jobs. We bought a house and started a family. My wife's car was dying so we sold it for scrap, and bought a new car on our two well paying jobs. *Gross 5 grand a month. at 8 mths pregnant my wife was in an accident causing 6 grand in damage to our vehicle... So there's 1 grand after spending most of our savings to furnish our home (we were living with parents until this time so we very little). Wife has my son, 5 days later, the well pump dies in our home we've been in for just over 2 months. 1 grand there. No more savings. Then, the electric bills came in (b/c of the leaking well, over worked pump) another 600 in two months with no remorse from the Elec. company because we didn't have any history with them, and the previous owners had an electric welder in the shed so the history of the house was high already. Dec of that year, the "new" car was totaled, not our fault, and we owed pretty much what it was worth, so now we have just one vehicle for two people to go to two jobs at different times in different directions. After figuring our transportation out, I was working Overtime (YES, VOLUNTARY OVERTIME) and was on the way home when a lady rear ended me and you guessed it, totaled our one and only car. My wife had to borrow a neighbors car (and put gas in it) just to pick me up from the hospital. Then we had no transportation for 3 days till the insurance came and gave us a rental. Oh wait, they totaled the vehicle in 7 days, so we had 7 days to find another vehicle. We used the insurance payment as down payment for the Van. Wife lost her job, was out for 5 months before finding one that paid$5.00 less an hour, but Day care expenses are still the same. So i work more overtime, and wouldn't see my kids all week till the weekend. Some family life huh... What's next? Oh that's right the Microwave blows and is rendered useless...costs more than it's worth to fix it, so we removed it. Same with the dishwasher a month later. Then the brakes go, and then the radiator. Still haven't replaced the dishwasher--we were given (and are grateful) for a microwave from the 90's from my wife's coworker's garage.
    Then we lost our jobs one month back to back after finding out we were pregnant with our 3rd child....Now what do we do? File for assistance--we make too much on unemployment to qualify for food stamps and medicaid. The kids are covered tho, so that's good.
    After the Unemployment runs out and we still haven't found a job we are down to our last pennies. My daughter was born. the next day I was shoveling Rabbit Poop for a woman and thru that found a job (the job I currently have that is also paying $5.00/hr less than I used to make) So we went from 5 Grand a month Gross to less than 2 in a years time. You tell me now to sell my stuff? Hmmm, Why didn't I think of having a yard sale---Oh I did. I had 3 this year. Sold DVD's Toys, Tools, anything I could do without. Why not sell the TV? Well let me see when did I buy this? Oh yeah I was 21 (I'm 32 now) and it's not worth anything to anyone...I've tried selling it. Sell the computer we have? sure, let me just cut off all forms of communication with the world, and my family. We have NO family in this state----and most are more than 8 hrs away by car. We have no home phone, the cheapest cell phone plan we can find, and no TV service. In fact, we have never had TV service here because we were going to wait till after my son was born to subscribe. That's when the Sheet hit the fan.
    You enjoy going to the movies? I get to watch the same Cars DVD 3 times a day. You enjoy a good beer? I get to drink water, juice or milk with every meal. Sometimes I get kool-aid for a change of pace. You enjoy a good steak? The last time I had one, I was working for Caterpillar. Do you get your kids a birthday gift? Yeah, good thing one is old enough to understand the problems, and the others are too young to understand.
    You don't think I've given up all I would part with? I've given up that and more...I have sold or tried to sell nearly everything of any value. I went to a pawn shop and was turned down b/c they only buy gold. I have posted on here asking for odd jobs---gotten a few, and have done what I could.
    When was your last vacation? Mine was 3 years ago for my honeymoon. Last date night? hmm, I think my mom gave us a night out in May---what did we do? we got ice cream and walked around Home Depot dreaming of what we'd do when we can afford it. It just never happened.

    I started a account, and had 4 people reply with money trying to help us stay afloat during all this time (the last year in particular). But what do I get in return? Ostracized by my family for begging. I lost a close friend over it as well. Because I'm doing anything I can to provide for my family.

    So before you go judging me and say I'm bad with money, why not ask why I'm in this situation... You try paying for diapers for two kids, milk to feed a family, and do it all with only 2300 (counting food stamps) a month, as well as pay a mortgage, car payment, electric bill, etc.

    And you do it while explaining to your 11 year old that she can't go on an educational field trip because you can't afford the $13.00 for her to go. See the look on her face when you explain she can't go to a friends birthday party because you can't afford to spare the gas to get there. You explain to a 2 yr old that he can't have that toy he saw at the yard sale you went to trying to find clothes to put on his back...

    And do it all without health insurance, dental insurance (and a bad tooth). And I've told my wife to cut my's on the agenda this weekend...But you know some people may just enjoy that sort of thing, or maybe they can cut hair and need their leaves or pine straw raked in exchange....or need a garage cleaned out. Or maybe just need someone to talk to for an hour because their family is all out of state as well.

    Now, After all this I need to take a nap, because I work all night and haven't slept so that I could go online and look for jobs and go to the food bank when it opened. That and you gave me a headache b/c you're assuming...and you know what the first 3 letters of assume are? that's right YOU

    Oh and the Rabbit poo that I shoveled was for the garden we planted this year (to fertilize) to offset the grocery expense. That's why we have the a pet (which was a gift from my inlaws to my daughter for her birthday because I couldn't afford to buy them myself) and to help with fertilization. Yeah we were told we had two female bunnies, but one turned out to be a male. So that's why we have little ones now. And if I don't separate them soon, we'll be having more. If I could afford to get em spayed or neutered I would, but seeing as how my kids need clothes and food, I think I'll spend my money on that..what little I do have.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  20. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sherry PM Sent I'm going to bed for a few hours, then to tweak the resume (the more eyes the better) and apply for the Raleigh job. And as far as circumference for a job---anywhere from Clayton, Smithfield, Garner, East Raleigh, Fuquay, Eastern end of Holly Springs, Benson, Four Oaks, Dunn. That's a pretty wide area but i'm trying to keep the gas down. I don't want to be working just to put gas in the tank..I want to get ahead--especially since if I do get a second job, we'll lose the food stamps (which is not a problem, just have to figure in the extra expense that we're currently not paying for.)
    And OBX got me a brita pitcher today....but thank you for the offer. Is there anything you need?

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