Nelson Mandela Has Passed Away

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Sherry A., Dec 5, 2013.

  1. A bit more of an expert on the proper decorum that a national leader should display? How did he get those qualifications?
  2. And the other head's of state weren't laughing and taking selfies because...? It was a no-class move by a no-class man. Thankfully Michelle Obama reigned his *** in. I have a feeling that she and Hillary are comparing notes right about now.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Have any of you sticks in the mud been to an Irish wake?

    Besides the funeral isn't until Sunday!
  4. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You mean other than the two in the picture being taken? The ability to ignore all but that you want to see is strong with some here.
  5. Was obama at an Irish wake?
  6. Gee Wiyne, you're right. Three out of many were acting like *****. Got any more excuses?
  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Just pointing out your significant errors in looking at the small amount of data you have from which to draw a conclusion.
  8. Melon

    Melon Well-Known Member

    Wow. When Sherry started this thread, I wondered how long it would be before the haters started. It could've been a picture of Obama tying his shoe, coming out of a restroom or eating a burger. It didn't matter.

    The facts and context of a funeral in a different country with different customs, and the photographer describing the celebration and explaining his picture apparently aren't important. "Just screaming loud enough and long enough makes me right."

    It sorta sounds like a Fear Factor line: "Just bash Obama. Anytime, anywhere, for any reason. Ignore the facts. I'll make up my own."

    Flame on. I'll go back to reading and laughing.
  9. Nah, you're just making excuses and ignoring the facts. I'm sure that's the habit that has your business on the ropes. Good luck...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  10. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    Oh? What facts do you have? A picture without context?

    You have no idea why Michelle Obama had the look on her face. It could be she's ticked off, it could just as easily been a stomach ache from the roast zebra she had the night before.

    As far as the general atmosphere of the tribute, take a look at the scenes in and around the "service". It was a party atmosphere, most, but not all, were dancing and singing and celebrating the life and legacy of this great man. Based on what I've seen and heard about Mandela, he would have very much approved and would have disapproved of anyone being somber.

    My Lord, a truly great man, perhaps the best in my lifetime, has passed and, instead of celebrating his life and accomplishments (do you even know what they were?), the best you can come up with is to dis on Obama.

    And you think Obama taking a selfie is in bad taste!
  11. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Facts such as the information from the person who took the picture perhaps? Facts such as the other pictures of dancing at the memorial? Facts such as the reports of the people in charge having to ask the crowd to be quieter so the speakers could be heard?

    You have a picture from which you have made many assumptions, but have no facts to support them.
  12. And again I ask, if it was such a raucous gathering why were the other heads of state acting like adults while Huggy tried to set up a bed warmer for his next trip to Europe? BTW, if the picture's content aren't so obvious, why are obamabots tripping over each other to make excuses for St. Barack? Put your head back in the sand and move on.
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You assume this but where is your eivdence those other heads of state (you have already discounted two) did not smile, laugh, or otherwise act as you would consider inappropriate over the several hours of the memorial service?
    You ask why taking anything out of context would not be subject to question as if it were a reasonable thing to do. That in and of itself points to your lack of comprehension of logical progression.
  14. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    In your opinion based on your life.
  15. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    How about the funeral processions in New Orleans? Those are a bit different from this part of the country too.

    The practice of having music during funeral processions, Danny Barker said, was added to the basic African pattern of celebration for most aspects of life, including death. As the brass band became increasingly popular during the early 18th century, they were frequently called on to play processional music. Eileen Southern in The Music of Black American wrote, "On the way to the cemetery it was customary to play very slowly and mournfully a dirge, or an 'old Negro spiritual' such as 'Nearer My God to Thee,' but on the return from the cemetery, the band would strike up a rousing, 'When the Saints Go Marching In,' or a ragtime song such as 'Didn't He Ramble.' Sidney Bechet, the renowned New Orleans jazzman, after observing the celebrations of the jazz funeral, stated, "Music here is as much a part of death as it is of life."
  16. Well unless you and I were there we're both assuming, aren't we? You can interpret it any way you want, but I see what Huggy Bear is doing and I see the look on his wife's face. Anyone who has been married more than five minutes can see what's going on.

    Unfortunately you ignore what you can plainly see in order to make excuses for a political ideology. That in and of itself points to your lack of comprehension regarding the situation. Maybe if you ask an impartial women (assuming you can find one that will talk to you) you could ask her what she sees in that picture. ;)
  17. Was he at a funeral procession in New Orleans?
  18. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    No, I am looking at the information provided by the people who WERE there, inculding the photographer you and others here have ignorer.

    Right, and that assumption is in direct conflict with the information provided by the person who took the picture. Who has more credibity in this, you and your assumption or the person who was there for hours and took the picture? I am going with the person with direct information over your assumption and I do not have to make any unfounded assumptions.

    I have seen a picture of an angry bluebird too, but that does not mean the bluebird was actually angry just that was the interpretation of the picture.
  19. Obama keeps ****ting on our heads and you keep thanking him for the hat. You're a hoot.
  20. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Just keep saying it over and over again and you might convnce yourself it it true ... I doubt if anyone with any ability to understand logic would believe it, but you might.

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