Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever heard of this site or created a page on it? I need some information about it. Thanks
  2. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    I used it last year to try to help us get ahead. Got some mixed responses, but I think that it's mostly my family that caused that...

    Here's the deal with it. You create a page, stating your need/desire/project. It gets categorized how you want it (Family, Personal interests, charity work, etc), and you set your goal. You can give rewards for certain amounts given, etc. (there's a lot of options)

    But here's what happens. People can make donations via Credit card (secured), and Go Fund me put that money into your goal account---This is different than what you actually get, because they take their cut off the top (I think it's like 6-7 percent) and you can withdraw money at any point in time to your personal bank account using the system you sign up for. You have a Go Fund me login and then another login for your "bank" (I forget the name of the company they use)

    So Let's say I donate 50 bucks to you. You see in your GoFundme goal bar that you've raised 50 dollars. I get charged 50 dollars, but when you withdraw it you get 46 dollars (just as example). So it's a bit misleading. If you need/want to raise 1000, set your goal higher to accommodate the difference in what you need to raise.

    Also you have to promote it yourself. On Facebook, Twitter and by e-mail. And once you raise 100 into your gofundme account, it gets posted on the go fund me website so it is searchable. Otherwise you have to provide the link in your posts.

    One last thing. Good luck. We raised no where near our goal, though you see these posts about people raising 10000 for a dog to get surgery or whatever. You need to have the support in order to get to that point. If you have a wide reach of people, and those people are willing to post your link on your behalf, you reach more. We had some family, and a few friends donate to us. Some we haven't talked to in it can be done!

    Just remember, you have to have 100 dollars before it gets posted and searchable on the website. That's what was confusing me till I read alllllllll the rules.

    Good Luck!
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member


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