A Couple Questions

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Crash, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Crash

    Crash Member

    I'm new on this site, I joined in hopes of getting some good information. We are looking to move either to the 40/42 area, or to the east side of Clayton. We currently live near the JoCo airport but are looking for better schools.
    1. How are the Cleveland area schools?
    2. Does the traffic on 42 ever let up?

    Any information would be great.
  2. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    We chose this area because of the great schools. We've been very happy with the progress of both of our kids.

    The 42 traffic can be bad, but mostly during rush hour, which is typical of a lot of areas. It's certainly not as bad as Capital Blvd or Glenwood Ave at the same times. And the payoff is that you get lots of close access to a variety of business and the interstate. Also, there are was to circumvent some or all of the traffic, depending on where you're going, by using the back roads.

    Overall, we've been very happy with the area. But I have friends on the other side of Clayton that are also very happy, so I don't think you can go wrong either way. It's about the better fit for you personally. Good luck.
  3. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Hi Crash!

    Glad to have you on board the 4042.com forums. Concerning schools...if you have some specific ones you might want to know about, provide the names and you'll likely get plenty of reviews and information from others here on the board. 8)
  4. Crash

    Crash Member


    Most of the houses we've been looking at on this side are Cleveland and Westview schools. I haven't heard anything bad about either one. The housing in this area seems more affordable as well, more bang for your buck. I suspect more houses will pop up on the market as we get closer to spring too.
    Thanks again for the replies
  5. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Welcome Crash

    My daughter went to Polenta Elem till 3rd grade, loved it there. then we bought a house and moved to Dixon Road. A better school in my opinion. She is in McGees Middle now and will likely attend West Johnston All are top rated schools (at least they are now)
    We chose to stay in Johnston Cty so we didn't have her changing schools every year like they do in Wake

    I've heard nothing bad about either Elem. but have heard some unpleasant things about Cleveland Middle...
    Just in case you want to look ahead a little.

    Oh, and this side of Clayton (40/42) has the Draft house with free pool on Sundays all day....(Yes I know they're building one on THAT side of town)
  6. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Hey crash,

    Our grandson goes to Westview and we have never heard anything bad about it. He loves it there. Doesn't mean its perfect by any means but people are very protective of their children, which is just fine, and if there was anything inherently wrong I'm sure we would have read about it here.
  7. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    I like east clayton better.
  8. Crash

    Crash Member

    Any particular reason why? It seems to me housing prices are higher over that way, which is fine except we are on a budget. My wife likes east Clayton too, I'm just not sold on it yet.
    And I may draw some fire, but I think that Harris Teeter is over-rated and over priced.
  9. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    West is Best.
  10. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

  11. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    I know it's the 4042 board, but you may also want to consider the Riverwood/Archer Lodge area. The elementary and middle schools at RW are excellent. DS is a now freshman at Corinth Holders and is loving it. I am pleasantly surprised at how well HS is going. Great teachers, no drama, good grades, good kids, good principal, excellent communication, can't ask for more.

    It's also relatively convenient to HWY 70 as well as 64/540. I work on Capital Blvd now and of the mornings can hit the ramp at Triangle Town in about 25 minutes from 540. Getting home is a little different but definitely doable.

    Good luck with whichever area you ultimately choose, you really can't go wrong with any of them. :cheers:
  12. Savealot

    Savealot Well-Known Member

    Me Too!
  13. Crash

    Crash Member

    We keep our eyes and options open. I like the Archers Lodge area, but most of the houses I have liked lately have been from the 40/42 area. Once I get our house ready to sell, we'll get serious about finding a place.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    We live off Cleveland School Road and absolutely love our area. My grandkids have attended Cleveland Elementary, West View, Cleveland Middle and when they moved McGees Middle, now they are both at West Johnston, all great schools!!!! Hubby picked where we bought when moved here 14 years ago due to the commute to the Triangle where he works, he loves being so close to the 40 exit but still feel like we live in a close community oriented neighborhood. Good luck and take your time deciding where you want your family to live.

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