Sheetz in Clayton... again?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by anonangie, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    Hearing that sheetz is trying to buy up several homes on highway 70 at 42e and build in the middle of a bunch of homes. Anyone know anything about this?
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is part of the new Six Sheetz over Clayton project!
  3. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    Am I missing a joke there? This seems ridiculous, I rode by there today and there were a bunch of kids on their bikes riding up and down the street. So they want to buy up these older people's homes and put a gas station there? In the middle of a bunch of families? I'd get it if it was an industrial / commercial area. But that's not the case. It's concerning to me. I guess I'll be attending the zoning meetings to figure out what's up :/
  4. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

  5. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    I know, they go Jan 27 for their first statement, then neighborhood meeting, etc. It just seems like such a terrible idea. I have family over there so that's why this matters to me. I watched kids ride their bikes around the corner where this is supposedly going to be happening. I cannot imagine what they were thinking in selecting these lots. Trying to figure out if it's worth getting a lawyer to fight the rezoning or if it can be done on my own (on behalf of homeowners).
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Good luck... I'm sure they are attracted to that area because of all the traffic that is generated by the pharma companies, CAT and the 70/42E intersection in general. We have the other one going in near us at Amelia Church Rd & 42.
  7. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I have always thought those homes built in the 50's and 60's were a little out of place. But I guess back then that area was a lot different. Nowadays that area is growing in commercial and industrial. After looking them up online, I was surprised how cheap those houses are. Most of them are worth $60-90k online. One even sold for $32k last year!
  8. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Residents in the development need to show up in mass at planning board and town council meetings. Plus personally contact all town council members now and let them know neighboorhood residents are against rezoning. I believe they were successful a couple of years ago in fighting rezoning petition in same area. Town council members are elected and will listen to voters.
    Eventually I believe there is a proposed connector over to Hwy 42 west. May be at this intersection or may be further west. Planning department can give you this information. Also ask planning department if this property has been designated highway business in long range plan. There are maps for the proposed long range plans. Planning department should show you the maps.
    If you decide to hire attorney, Allen Tew, has been successful in the past with such issues. Good luck!
  9. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    :jester::lol: lmao
  10. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    That's the plan. Unfortunately they're buying out most of the people who live in their homes-- a lot of the others are just renters and could give a **** Just concerned about going up against a big corporation. I mean really, would you want 24/7 parking lot lights, gas station traffic, etc in your front yard? If there is such a thing as light pollution, that alone would do it for me!
  11. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Sorry to say, but all the homes in that entire neighborhood are worth less than $4M total, Sheetz would probably pay that just to have such a prime location. They could own the entire neighborhood, and bulldoze it all. Then when its empty, it would be easy to rezone.
  12. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    this would be a absolute disaster for the owners that have no desire to relocate. no way they could buy anything decent for what they would get for their present home. they are currently happy as "a clam at high tide". but this type rezoning happens all the time. ends up being a sad situation for many seniors.
  13. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    They don't need that much space, so they wouldn't bother buying the whole neighborhood and the houses on the highway are worth far more from a commercial perspective so your valuation is way off.

    That aside, tonight is the neighborhood meeting sheetz is required to hold in order to file their rezoning petition. 6pm at the Clayton Center if anyone is interested.
  14. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I was just going by Zillow and recent sales/homes and property for sale currently.

    One of the homes that sold not that long ago along the highway - Sold on 8/4/11:$35,000
  15. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    this sheetz project in on town of clayton planning and zoning board agenda for monday, february 24, 2014, at 6:00 pm. i am confident the chamber will be packed. for and against.
  16. anonangie

    anonangie Member

    Should be interesting for sure.
  17. two7520

    two7520 Member

    Some residents took it upon themselves to notify other area residents (who were unaware of what was going on) and even had a petition going against rezoning, but its obvious the town planner and sheetz are sweethearts (sheetzhearts?) and it looks like the town is happy to lose a few residents in order to gain another sheetz.

    Since this neighborhood is going going gone, its supposed to be prime real estate now... and it is the only area from shotwell road to the pharma block ripe for new big box retail/shopping center/fast food. SO whats it gonna be next???
  18. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    On Monday evening the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval for rezoning and special use permit to Town Council. During meeting it was confirmed there was a proposed connector from this intersection to Hwy 42 W and Guy Road. Also the Town of Clayton 2008 land use plan indicated this property as commercial/highway business. One of the Sheetz presenters advised the property on the NW corner has also been sold with intention for commercial project. Residents in the area did a good job in presenting their concerns at the meeting. It was only a matter of time before this property would go commercial. Sheetz is a family owned business and has a good reputation. This Sheetz will be identical to the Sheetz on Hwy 42 W and Amelia Church Road that should open in about a moonth. Town Council will make final decision and area residents will have the opportunity to present their arguments against this proposal.
  19. two7520

    two7520 Member

    Neither the town, nor NCDOT has any money for said proposed connector, and neither has it on any schedule to be built. It may happen in two decades time, but it isnt anyones priority. But realtors, town planners and prospective developers like sheetz like to use it as a selling point to the people who live there, or as an excuse to rezone a small amount of that residential area.

    The properties at the NW corner are not sold nor are they under contract as the owner claimed to Sheetz lawyer just prior to the meeting. If you can confirm otherwise please share that information. The owner and his aunt are asking $400K now, and they are convinced they will be able to get $1M if sheetz comes in... his ex wife was in the paper last week claiming how badly they wanted to sell (she wants her half of his half!)
  20. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    All I know is that if you travel 70 where it crosses 42 West on summer evenings, there is an overwhelming smell of sheetz. I dont know how people live and work around there.

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