Check Your Bank Account Daily!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Sherry A., Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I check my bank account every morning. Much to my surprise, this morning, I found Pending Transactions for Best Buy, Adidas and several other stores. Best Buy had two for $748.12 hitting my account. The bank cancelled my card, but it will take up 10 working days to get the money back in my account. I just feel so violated. Gave my bank a list of outstanding checks so that they will make sure those clear.

    I asked if I should fill out a police report and they said no. I was the second person within a ten minute period to come into the bank with the same problem. They told me that in Europe the cards have chips in them, but them will not happen in America for years due to companies saying it will cost them a fortune to replace every machine in every store.

    They also told me that some people don't check daily, which means it will take longer to investigate those claims. They had one person come in after a year of having money taken from the account. OMG!!

    Please, please check your account daily as these thieves are all over the place. I hope Best Buy and others track these people down.

  2. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't of bothered you that much, it just follows the type of Gov. you support.. take, take, take.. lol
  3. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    I find this odd. There has been a theft, but the bank doesn't want you to notify the police?
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    They stated that the stores will file when possible. I caught it early enough for the shipments to be stopped. At least, that's what I was told.

  5. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Sherry is your accounts with a traditional bank or a credit union? Also was it a credit card or a debit card?
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I'm with a traditional bank and my card is used both as credit and debit. The thieves used it as a credit card online.

  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    There have been several cases of hacking of card data of late, excluding the huge Target job.
  8. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I'm confused? If it was used as a credit card and not a debit card, why would they have taken money out of your account?

    I had a $1500 charge on one of my cards show up one day and I called the credit card company and they immediately cancelled the card and over nighted me a new one. Anytime you dispute a charge it is immediately taken off until the dispute is resolved.

    Sounds more like it was used as a debit versus a credit card to me.

    Sorry for your problem.
  9. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    The bad guys need your pin to use as a debit. thats why its usually used as a credit card. they only need an exp date, which can be narrowed down until they find it.
  10. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    It's a shame you can't show an ID online.
  11. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    Half a million 11 and 12 year-old Facebook users would disagree with you. :mrgreen:
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You can and it can be just as accurate as one shown in person. :mrgreen: :oops:

    RALEIGH -- The fake driver's licenses that Robert Wayne Bullock is accused of making and selling were so good that state law enforcement officers weren't sure at first they were even fakes.

    The IDs looked real in part, authorities say, because Bullock was using a printer and laminating machine stolen from the Division of Motor Vehicles. Bullock, 23, was arrested Tuesday at his home outside Hillsborough and charged with selling fake IDs.

    The case began several months ago, when Wake County Alcoholic Beverage Control law enforcement officials started noticing that hundreds of college students in Raleigh were getting caught with more sophisticated fake IDs than they'd ever seen before. The IDs were being confiscated by ABC law enforcement and bar employees mostly on Hillsborough Street near N.C. State University.
  13. singlemom2

    singlemom2 Active Member

    I work for a bank. We always tell our customers that it is better to use an actual credit card than a debit card. Your debit card (used as debit or credit) is linked to your checking account. A credit card is technically the banks money & does not freeze up your cash if someone steals your number. There have been many many card thefts lately. Not only with Target. It can happen ANYWHERE. Gas station, online, grocery store, ATM etc. I have heard stories of someone being at the gas pump & an individual coming over to talk to them & all the while the person is getting his card #. It's very easy to buy a "skimming" machine online. then all they do is put the device on any ATM, Redbox, gas pump etc & they have your card info. Nothing is truely safe anymore. Just keep a close eye on your accounts & inform your bank immediately if you see something suspicious.
  14. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Our bank called us a few weeks ago, asked my hubby if he just tried to use his check card in New England, and in California online for a concert event for $1700., we were both at home. The phone call was an alert, to notify us of an attempted use; they denied it because it was unusual activity and they wanted to check. This has happened before, and frankly can be an annoyance (we were out of state on a trip), but we sure do appreciate them checking and do not mind any inconvenience because they are protecting us big time. The bank canceled his card, and sent a new one, and we were spared the huge hassle of trying to fix the mess, after the fact. We also check our account every day, to detect anything amiss, and are quick to get on the horn for correction of anything that appears amiss. This happened on a weekday morning, about an hour after I was online, checking stuff. So a big thank you to BB&T, for looking out for us!
  15. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    Exactly...I don't buy anything ONLINE with a debit card. Kinda like not wrapping up if you know what I mean.
  16. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Very impressed with my bank. All money is back in order and all outstanding checks cleared, as needed. I sure wish those who do this would get caught.

    Glad I caught all of these items as Pending Transactions.

  17. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Glad it all worked out for you Sherry.
  18. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thanks, it worked out financially, but mentally.....I'm more paranoid using my card now. Such a shame.

  19. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I'm also glad it worked out but I'd be more paranoid about my bank taking cash out of my accounts even though it was a charge card transaction! There's just no way I would have my accounts tied together that way. My debit card is with my bank and my credit cards are with credit card companies.
  20. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Not sure what you mean; Our checkcards can be used as both a debit and credit card. This means the hologram on it allows the card to be processed like a credit card (no PIN), for places that do not accept debit cards. The money comes out of the same place - our checking account. We do not have any credit cards, so this does come in handy when we need the "credit card only". The only difference to us is the way the processing of the funds is handled. Debit card purchases are immediately charged, usually seen online when we get home as a purchas. The credit card purchase is usually seen as a "pending" transaction, or as $1 at a gas station. We would never use it either way if the money was not confirmed to be in there. So what do you mean, there's no way you would have accounts tied together? It IS the same checking account...:?:

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