Sheetz in Clayton... again?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by anonangie, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. two7520

    two7520 Member

    LOL they would never build one there, after the mythical 42 connector is built it wouldn't get any traffic at all :lol:
  2. two7520

    two7520 Member

    Yes sir I spoke before the board, and what I said was that nearly half of the homes in the neighborhood were rentals, not more than half. I believe the actual number is 45 homes total, 18 current rentals with tenants, I apologize for not boring the board with lots of statistics.

    I am curious, are you suggesting that renters, and the owners of rental properties somehow have fewer rights to peaceful living in the neighborhood as opposed to someone who lives in their own property here?

    Yes what I am saying is that the Sheetz team got some misleading information from a resident before the meeting, and that their lawyer relayed it to the board. Does that constitute lying to the board? Well, he is a lawyer, trying to play the "Sheetz is a family business" card and simultaneously drop a Sheetz into a neighborhood with narrow streets and dozens of children.
  3. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I have confirmed with realtor that you are correct, there is no pending contract on the property on the corner (US 70 and Hwy 42) across from proposed Sheetz. Does the propery behind the proposed Sheetz (I believe on Tulip) have a contract pending? If not, I stand by my statement that the Sheetz representative should be asked to explain this in the Town Council hearing.
  4. two7520

    two7520 Member

    Well if the rezoning for the purpose of this sheetz is approved, the 5 homes would stand to be demolished.

    Thank you.

    To my knowledge, there is not. In fact the property you refer to just happens to be owned by one of the folks who Sheetz is proposing to buy property from (she owns a vacant lot at the corner of Rose and Tulip) and she currently lives there.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014

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