
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Palisade, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    That's What She Said is now Joe Friday. :lol::lol:

  2. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Quit fantasizing about me and leave my name out of if.
  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Thank you
  4. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    Just picking out the most passionate of each side. No offence. :cheers:
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Call yourself whatever name you'd like. I would have chosen a different name than "rock" myself. :mrgreen:

    Finally, we agree on something.

    He doesn't have to "remove" the forum. He can remove the "trolls" though. His decision.

    Nah, I just post without reading a Thread name or what's in it. Lawdy.

    We didn't use to have a Political Pit. I thought you knew everything about the Forum and Members.

    Well, we did trash up the Neighborhood for some time. I actually think this Thread should be in the Neighborhood and not in the Discussion part.

    Yes, I do. Some people understand that their is a place and time for all things. Ya' know, like cursing. Some people curse at home, but not on the job. That's exactly how this is supposed to work.

    Yes, on occasion is has flowed outside of the Pit and for that I usually apologize.

    Once again, we agree.

    No, he has more choices. I'll let you guess what they are.

    Whichever one he wants too. If you think you can blackmail Webbie you are sorely mistaken.

  6. Palisade

    Palisade Well-Known Member

    Your highness suits.

    We agree on a lot of things, you just prefer to argue.

    Yes, and he'll be removing those trolls a dozen times a day every day. Do you really thing this is what he's looking forward to?

    Finally, I've been waiting over a year to hear it from you. The truth!

    I know we didn't have one. That was explained in the history (under Read Me First).

    But why do you think he created the pit in the first place?

    But we're here instead of the pit, aren't we?

    You have much more faith in the human nature than most. Even this post of yours I'm responding to shows that you can't "play nice".

    How about if I start a topic on abortion? How many posts do you think will occur before you no longer "play nice"?

    Well aren't you special? How about the other dozen or so "usual suspects"?

    We agree but you still found a full screen of argument. Over what? You're living in your little world, wearing your rose colored glasses, pretending that all everyone has to do is sing "Cumbaya" and everyone will be friends and hugs each other.

    I have some frightening news for you. When you wake up from that drug induced fantasy you'll be slapped in the face by reality. Some people are mean and some people are bullies. And some people who are mean and bullies frequent forums. That is a fact of life. Real life.

    I can only guess at two realistic choices. He does have the choice to spend his days and nights watching for trolls and bullies postings, but that's not a realistic choice.

    Huh? That's not blackmail, that's simply an observation.

    Only you could take a simple observation and turn it into a threat. Well, not only you, there are a couple others here. And it's you, those couple others and the people you interact with, which includes me, that caused the pit to be closed in the first place and are also the reason the pit has to be reopened and some point in the future.
  7. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    D A M N ... I wish I had this kind of time ... gheesh
  8. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

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