Yes it should come back, and will, and for the reasons I stated in the "Missing?" thread. The political discussions will never go away. If they are not given a specific place to be posted, they'll just be posted in the Discussion Group or the Neighborhood. There will always be trolls and bullies. It's a fact of life, like it or not. There is no way to absolutely ban anyone so when they are banned, they'll just keep coming back under different user names. Just as there will always be trolls and bullies, there will also always be people who are passionate about politics, news and the arts. They want to make their thoughts heard and are always actively seeking an outlet, a stage for their voices. The "normal" people don't want the trolls and bullies to pollute the areas of the forum where they can talk about Sheetz, Strawbale gardening and lost dogs. Even when the Pit was under full steam, there were still threads in the Discussion Group and the Neighborhood that went astray. Image if there was no Political Pit? The webmaster doesn't want to spend his days and nights patrolling the "normal" areas of his forum. I'm sure he dreads any emails already, fearing it is yet one more complaint he has to deal with. When given the Pit, at least he can let things get a bit more horrid before he has to step in. If there is no Pit, he has to be extra vigilant to keep the public areas clean. As I said in the "Missing?" thread, his only other option is to completely shut down the forum as a whole. This is not meant to be a form of blackmail (Sherry), just an observation. I doubt he'd shut down the whole forum. Too many people like it. Many rely on it to keep in touch with their friends and to keep tabs on what's happening in our community. In other words, the true purpose of a community forum. So, for his own sanity, I see the only realistic option is to bring back the Pit.
Really? I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention my name. Not sure how you came up with Wayne and me on this one, but you'd be hard pressed to find either of us calling people names. Sherry
I cannot remember a time when I have called someone a moron or an idiot. When/if it comes back online you prove me wrong. Sherry
It's easy to have such a lapse of memory when the evidence has been destroyed. But, even when it was around and you made such outlandish statements. When shown the evidence, you still refused to acknowledge it, so what difference would it make?
Unless your total list of names that can be called is "moron" and "idiot", I have found a few that made it out of the Pit:
The Political Pit has been serving mainly one purpose; keeping the trolls and bullies mostly contained in that area. It is certainly not a "discussion" area. Yes, the trolls and bullies will stray to other areas. The "Pit" contributors, lol, consist of ~10 people; ~5 on each side of the political aisle. Very little discussing. Mostly arguing. Baiting, name calling, sniping. If I were the Webmaster, I wouldn't waste my time or the web space for ~10 people by having the "Pit". Let the trolls and bullies stray to the Discussion and Neighborhood areas and then immediately ban them when they get out of line. And keep banning them when they come back as different personas. The reincarnations are fairly recognizable. Nothing is going to change for the better in the "Pit". That's just my two cents!
Palisade, You taking most things out of context gets to be a bit much. Me calling Hugh a butthead for being funny, he knew I was laughing. You saying it is a sad day for our justice system because I state I was picked for a jury. The only one worth salt is Pooh Bear and me and neither one of us called each other a moron or idiot. We have our disagreements, especially football, but it does not concern you. Posting a member's real picture, real home address, real phone number, calling them a moron/idiot over and over gets to be a bit much. Putting someone's son's phone number on the back of a restroom door is a bit too much. I love discussing/debating politics, but not with children. And guess what, these people are can say all you want about this being the internet but we are all neighbors! Sherry P.S. I actually liked the days when dangerboy, devilock and others would make a person stop and think about a position.
Because you take things out of context. It's not like a bully that goes by someone and calls them an idiot or a moron. I refuse to debate this with you. Sherry
You call people names. You called me "a sad little man". Were you joking? Was there some context I was not aware of that negated the fact that you called me a name? You called Hught a butthead. There was no context. It's not as if there was a conversation going on where one could glean any context. If this was in jest, perhaps you should have used a smilie so people not "in the loop" would know. But, the only context I have is based on your history. You called Poohbear something less than a lady. While simply calling her "young woman" is certainly not offensive, that changed when you added "I save lady for those who are" implying that you were calling names. You do it a lot, Sherry. Perhaps you aren't aware, but the rest of us who interact with you do notice. Liar.
Sherry, Sherry, Sherry... I didn't say you were calling anyone names.. Oh hey check this out too..
Gee, wouldn't it be nice to have a place to discuss things like this? I mean, without messing with other people's discussions? Where would a place like that be found, I wonder?
Well try this one...
The decision is up to the Webmaster. People can assume all they want, but not knowing why the door was closed leaves only speculation. If the Webmaster decides to let us know, since the pit was an add on in the first place, he will probably make some type of statement. Until then I would suggest abiding by the current guidelines and allowing things to progress as normal.