Adams Point?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jcmdl412, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. jcmdl412

    jcmdl412 Member

    Does anyone live in this neighborhood? Would you recommend it? We liked it quite a bit and the homes/floorplans appear to be what we are looking for. The schools are also good. We are looking at the new homes in phase 3.

    Can anyone tell me if there are lots of kids in the neighborhood? We need a kind of place where my 11 and 9 year old boys can ride bikes and find friends to play with. Mom and dad are sold on the houses and prices, but the boys want to make sure there will be other kids to play with and get the bus with.

    Please tell me everything you can about this neighborhood! Thank you!
  2. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Seems like a wonderful neighborhood. We've been swimming with friends at the neighborhood pool and have been trick-or-treating with families there ... and loved it. My son has been bike riding with kids who live there many times in the past. Most of the families I know who live there ... love it. There are tons of kids of all ages. I don't have a home there because we have a family business that wouldn't work with the covenants ... but it's really a nice neighborhood made up of some great people!!

    A little while back it seems like there was some talk of building some townhomes in there. I don't know if that was ever done ... or if it's even in the plans anymore? I don't know if that would change the dynamics of the neighborhood at all ... but right now it really seems like a great place to raise kids. Good schools, good neighbors, good location :)
  3. jcmdl412

    jcmdl412 Member

    Thank you so much! That is good to hear!
  4. trev47

    trev47 Well-Known Member

    I have lived in Adam's Point for 7 years, and I am happy here. It's a great neighborhood, and there are tons of kids. Mine are now in college, but there are a lot of ages here. I live in the older section, but I imagine it's much the same in the newer homes. Homes of these sizes attract large families. There are multiple bus stops in the neighborhood.

    As the other poster mentioned Halloween is a zoo around here. Adam's Point attracts many trick or treaters from the area. I enjoy it.
  5. ladypopo

    ladypopo Active Member

    We have lived in Adams Point for 2 years now this past August. The neighborhood seems friendly and its full of kids of all ages. We are still dealing with issues with our new home so be aware. We have had numerous service calls for our ac as well as structural fixes (ex. door gaps, uneven walls, wood floor repairs). I also know our neighbors have had simliar issues as well as with their brick veneer falling off, their kitchen cabinets warping and tile cracking. The homes are beautiful on the outside I would just pay extra attention to everything inside before buying. I guess I should not expect more from a home that is built in less than 6 months however for the money we are paying for the homes I feel it should last longer than 2 years. Just my opinion and experiences. Good luck!
  6. jcmdl412

    jcmdl412 Member

    Wow I hadn't heard about that. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I will definitely keep this in mind!
  7. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    The neighborhood has a great reputation, I've showed/sold several homes out there and it seems like a great place to live. My clients have been happy! Good Luck!

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