Break ins !!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bissielizzie, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    A friend of ours lives in Twisted Oaks and let us know that they heard that there were a lot of break ins over the weekend in Adams Point and River Wood. They seem to be targeting vehicles and neighborhoods around 42.
  2. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Aren't those on opposite sides of town? I thought Riverwood was like north east of Clayton by loop road, and Adams point is next to 40 off old drug store?
  3. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

  4. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Yes. Riverwood Athletic was hit multiple times a couple weeks ago.

    REXAMUS Member

    A good solution is to LOCK YOUR DOORS. Problem Solved.
  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Cameras and a good large dog, or 3 in my case :), are also a great deterrent. They will move on to an easier house instead.
  7. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

  8. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    The d*bags are really taking a chance breaking into houses and such in JoCo. They might want to look at the stats regarding how many folks have gun permits or hunt around here. Not worth it for the iphone or $20 someone might have in their car.
  9. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    The flip side of that is: Would you want to take a life (i.e., kill someone in your driveway) if someone was taking $20 out of your car? Really think about being responsible for that and all that comes with it...loud gun shots, entire neighborhood coming out of their houses at 3:00 am to a crime scene while a dead person lays bleeding in your driveway, having to tell your kids to go back inside, police not cleaning it up before the school bus comes through in the morning, the blood stain you'll never really get out of the concrete. I am all for protecting my property, but clearer heads always prevail. He can have the phone and the $20. It is just stuff.

    This is where the god-fearing, gun-toting internal conflict comes in to play. I am all for gun rights and religion, but also try to consider consequences to actions.
  10. dietz4ibanez

    dietz4ibanez Well-Known Member

    All of this is great info but there is always more to the situation than the obvious to think about.

    In any event, if the thief lost his life because someone thought their own life was in danger, who's fault is it? The thief, whether it was $20 or not. They should have stayed at home and away from someone else's property. If I found a thief going through my car I would do the correct thing and let them know that I am there and I will have a firearm in my hands allowing them the right to stop what they are doing and retreat. As they walk away, the cops will be called and I will go back to bed. If they start to approach me, I won't take any warning shots because ammo is expensive these days.

    Cops might catch up with them, might not if he/she retreats. What's to say after the thief was confronted in this manner and that said thief has moved onto the next home and now feels comfortable to do so with a firearm that they might possess they end up shooting someone who is innocent, someone who isn't trespassing and not taking things that doesn't belong to them.

    If I was in a situation where a thief approached me while I was giving them the right to retreat and I took his life in fear of my own. Well, if there was a blood stain in my driveway, Lowes and Home Depot sells concrete paint that looks awesome and the value of my home just went up!
  11. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    All for protecting your property however you see fit. Just pointing out that these things are often much more complicated (legally and morally) than some people realize. These days it can be foolish to puff your chest and wave your gun and not think your life and the lives of others will change forever.

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