What are they building at White Oak?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tangie, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You mean like the folks who recently bought that building and tract of land from me or me who turned around and bought another building and tract to develop?

    Perhaps you should deal with things other than your assumptions.
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    What development are you seeing on 70? Take away Wal-Mart since Clayton expanded its ETJ to take over that land when Wal-Mart was coming in, in the last 5 years what have you seen?

    O'Reilly Auto Parts
    Pep Boys
    Clayton Draft House
    The newish building back by Little Ceasars.
    Wendy's did remodel

    This is counting new buildings, not new businesses coming in to existing locations.

    How many new subdivisions have come in to the Town limits in the last 5 years that were not phases of existing subdivisions?

    1 that i can think of.

    Claytons UDO is very developmental unfriendly, down right oppressive and over steps what should be their legal rights to enforce in some instances.

    Not sure what you have seen bud.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
  3. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Just to be fair, technically the Hospital on 42 is in Clayton (only because the expanded their jurisdiction to include it). And the Sheetz at Amelia Church and the Apartments there (also since they expanded their jurisdiction).
    http://www.townofclaytonnc.org/client_resources/plan official zoning map revised 01072014.pdf
  4. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    guh...did forget about those apartments and the sheetz. Thanks for the catch. This is not to say that more development is not coming in the future. It is, but as for what has been done lately...not much.
  5. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I do not know if you would consider this development, but I do worry about Clayton eventually trying to extend their boundaries all the way out past the 40/42 area. I would still love to see our area to incorporate before that happens. Kind of take a page from the Archers Lodge area. I figure either way the taxes go up. I would like to have more of a say how my tax money is spent then a town that is close to 10 miles away from my home.
  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    If you look at that map, they could essentially extend town limits all the way to the ETJ planning limits in the future, anything beyond that I think has to go to the state for approval and is more difficult. But up to ETJ limits just takes county approval, I think. But by the time Clayton town limits get all the way down 42 to passed 70 bypass, I would think Cleveland might become something. It would be many years until they get passed 70 bypass.

    Luckily my home is not inside the ETJ limits :) But is close.

    http://www.townofclaytonnc.org/client_resources/plan official zoning map revised 01072014.pdf

  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Not a lot of development has been done anywhere since ~ 2009 partly because of the economy not supporting it and partly because the money was tight from the financial industry. My banker worked for a very major bank for most of that period. Their underwriters refused to consider some developments in the triangle because of the weaker markets elsewhere. Some possible developments were derailed as a result, which could have improved the economy if they had happened.
  8. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Must be the big bad Republicans that have caused 5 years of poor economic conditions.

    Thank goodness the Democrats are here to create jobs since in their eyes only the government can! If we keep voting them in we will have the same number employed as in 1932.

    Listening to Wayne on economics is like believing what I typed above.
  9. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    If it is oppressive then I'll eat my shoe. What gets through is horribly planned and what is required of developers to make proper improvements so that their development doesn't further negatively impact the area is laughable. The entire intersection of Shotwell and Hwy 70 is a mess and the stretch of Hwy 70 right down to the old Winn Dixie is a total cluster of access roads. Herein lies the rub: some in Clayton bemoan the 70 bypass, but it a monster created by poor planning principles/practices through town...and it is a monster that statewide taxpayers had to pay for.
  10. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Amazing. You think the 70 By-pass was a direct result of poor planning, by the Town along Hwy 70 that passes directly through the town for a grand total of 2.5 miles?

    And all these access roads, as you call them, that litter 70 from Shotwell down to the old Winn Dixie - there has been a grand total of 1 new road accessing hwy 70 in the last 20+ years! Thats the road between Dunkin Donuts and Biscuitville. Certainly you mean access points for businesses and not actual roads. That is a NCDOT guideline, not ToC. (ill give them that)

    The 70 bypass had been in the works since the early 90's, if not before. Maybe you were not in this area then. You ever see Clayton on a Friday afternoon in the summer when people were going to the beach? Should have seen it before I-40 was open.

    Maybe you should try and develop a 50 acre tract through the Town and see for yourself what it's like.
  11. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Personally, one of the main reasons I bought my house where I am was the proximity to the 70 Bypass. I bought my house like a month after it opened and was looking at the area 2-3 years prior when it was in the early stages of development knowing that it would help my commute a lot. And while I am sure many hate it, I can't wait for 540 to get to our area fast enough, even if it costs me $10+ a day in tolls. It will save me at least 15-20 minutes (if not more on some days like Friday afternoons in the summer) of sitting in traffic every day.
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I just pointed to the facts of the economic situation, but if you wish to attribute the cause, you are free to make as many guesses as you wish.

    So you know how a large percentage of the population thinks through telepathy or maybe a Ouija board?

    So you are saying there was NOT an impact on local development due to a soft economy and soft money supplies?
  13. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    I think there was a large apartment complex approved on Shotwell near Bus. 70 also - just what that intersection needs. :banghead:
  14. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    If so, case in point.
  15. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Case in point and you know nothing about it. No details, nothing. Just what someone heard.

    As of a minute ago, there was nothing on the Town's website about this project.
  16. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

  17. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Amelia Station is as shown, is not at the intersection in question.

    I stand corrected on the apartments at Shotwell. As mentioned in the minutes, that was slated to be a Lowes years ago but Lowes pulled out due to various issues with the Town (as i was told). It remains to be seen about these apartments. Clayton has been overrun with apartments as of late and I can not see them being full of residence when the existing apartment complexes in town can not stay full. Amelia Station and the complex over off of Front Street Extension added 1500+ apartments to the already "not full" landscape.
  18. esther

    esther Active Member

    why are you all so sarcastic to each other on this site ????
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  20. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Hence the 'if so'.

    Look, from what I can tell you have inside knowledge of this stuff because you either work for TOC or in some other closely related local government. Your position does not preclude others' from expressing their opinion about how poorly Clayton, NCDOT and/or developers treat the process. At the end of the day, the citizens live with the results.

    If you can honestly look at the Shotwell and Hwy 70 intersection and tell me that it is not a total mess, then I will eat my shoe.

    Here is how I see it: Developer buys land, applies to put in development. Town/NCDOT reviews, developer makes changes. Approval in hand, building is crammed into space with little regard to form, function or design. Traffic becomes a mess, islands and unsightly barriers put in place to help rectify the situation. Islands and unsightly barriers run over by confused drivers, become even more unsightly (the barriers, not the drivers). NCDOT has to redesign entire intersection due to congestion. Tax payers fork it over. Town oblivious, developer enjoys fishing trip with money saved by not paying impact fees. Commuters enjoy a few months of orange barrels, rocks in windshields and 15- 20 minute delays. All because the town is too strict. Right.

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