What are they building at White Oak?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tangie, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. silverdevil

    silverdevil Active Member

    I heard through the rumor mill that Old Navy could be part of the White Oak expansion.
  2. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    On another note, does anyone have any idea what they are building across from where Locked and Loaded used to be on 70 in Garner? They installed a huge underground concrete tank there. You can still see the top of it when you drive by.

  3. esther

    esther Active Member

    white oak

    Heard Old Navy is going in where Staples used to be....
  4. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

  5. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Ah, I thought it might have been a CVS type store based on the size, shape, and windows. So that makes sense.

    Any idea what the huge underground tank is for then? Or the area next to the tank with the large retaining wall still under construction? Just storm water maybe?
  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I would LOVE to have an Old Navy that close by! :hurray:
  7. esther

    esther Active Member

    I would love Home Goods to come back !!!!
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I want a Hobby Lobby!
  9. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Me too! I will go broke though. :lol:
  10. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    Many have expressed a fear that Clayton would expand into the 40/42 area. The lack of enforcement in this "primary growth area" has a lot of them wishing that Clayton would annex this area. The zoning enforcement in Johnston County is a joke. But it seems in Clayton that it isn't a situation where you promise to uphold an agreement and then turn around and do whatever you want and then the zoning department paves the way for you to get your way, even though it isn't in the best interests of the surrounding residents. Sorry, starting to sound like a rant.
  11. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    can you explain what you are saying
  12. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    At one time(when Lowes Foods was started) they did want to.
    BS, Who, newbies or Claytonites? Nobody from Cleveland is that stupid.
    Why, because you can't come in and call the shots?
    Clayton is run like a small town. The county is run like a county. Big difference. If folks had wanted to live in town they wouldn't have moved to the country.
  13. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    If a town like Clayton wants to annex nearby properties (for whatever reason) it must receive a majority vote of approval by the people who are affected in order to proceed. If a majority of the residents don’t approve the annexation request, it does not go forward and the city is prohibited from trying to annex the same area again for 36 months.

    North Carolina has three statutory methods of municipal annexation. They are: 1. Voluntary annexation of contiguous areas (G.S. 160A-31 and -31.1). 2. Voluntary annexation of noncontiguous areas (G.S. 160A-58 through -58.63. Involuntary annexation of contiguous areas, subject to urban development standards, mandatory service provisions, and a referendum requiring approval by a majority of voters in the area to be annexed (G.S. 160A - 58.50 through - 58.63). In addition, the General Assembly retains the power to annex territory to a city. (Only the General Assembly has authority to deannex, or remove, property from a city.) The two voluntary annexation procedures are relatively noncontroversial. Involuntary annexation has been controversial and was significantly reformed in 2011 and 2012.

    Voluntary means someone has to ask them to and that said someone has to start the annexation petition and process. Most times its a developer asking to have their property annexed into a town or municipality to gain the services of that town.
  14. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    yep. that is what occured with johnston health, sheets (42 and amelia church), riverwood, summerlyn, chandlers ridge, etc.
  15. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I remember a few years back there was discussion of incorporating the 40/42 area before Clayton could annex it. I do not know what ever became of that movement.
  16. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Meetings were held, press was invited, commissioner came, energy was up, then day jobs and families got in the way. Basically, no one has the time and energy to make it happen and those who benefit from the 'wild-west' planning/zoning climate in the area have no interest in doing so. The Chamber of Commerce made a good run at a similar thing 15 years ago, but that fizzled out due to the Cleveland name fiasco. I also think that the Chamber got muzzled by certain constituents.
  17. silverdevil

    silverdevil Active Member

  18. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

  19. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    ...AND a Carolina Ale House, according to that article.
  20. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I would love to see a Dunkin Donuts there

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