Planning Board meeting

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bissielizzie, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    I thought I would post this for all of you who live in and around the 40/42 area and have to deal with the overwhelming traffic.
    The planning board just sent out the agenda for the meeting for Tuesday
    December 16 at 6pm.
    There will be several subdivisions coming before the board for approval but two rezoning cases will have a tremendous impact on the immediate 40/42 area. And these are heard during the latter part of the meeting. So arrival after 6pm, not a problem. Also sending an email voicing your concerns to the board members is something that they do take note of. So if you can't attend make yourself heard.

    Case 9-12 Mod3 asks for another modification of 323 acres to increase multifamily and single family where retail/office space was originally approved.

    Case 5-30 Mod3 asks for another modification of 187 acres off Glen Rd in Summerwind to increase overall units with multifamily.

    It's unfortunate that this is coming before the board in December (or maybe that was the plan). But this is the time for the community to voice it's concern about the future of 40/42, not after the plan is approved.

    As well as we can recall this is one of several modifications to these two original plans, that in affect have increased the volume of residences and markedly decreased the retail/office space. Which means more traffic 24/7, more demand on the few retail/restaurant/services that are currently here. And as many of us have learned in the last few years more people doesn't necessarily mean more goods and services in our area.
  2. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member

    Building residences instead of businesses will cause more traffic 24/7? I would have thought it would be the other way around (that businesses would generate more traffic than a residence).

    Whatever is most appropriate for the area, you can't blame the developer for trying. They are 2005 and 2009 special use permits they're asking to modify, because they can't get businesses to build there. To the developer, residences are better than empty land.
  3. Roadman

    Roadman Member

    Residential development brings signigicantly less traffic than retail and office. That doesn't mean you have to like the development, but it is the reality.
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    If I am reading it correctly. Son lan wants to do away with some of the retail\office space across from Wal mart and put more single family units?
  5. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    That's how I read it. It was already mixed use, so they just want to change the ratio.
  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I know most people don't care how they do things up north or anywhere else for that fact. But I know while I lived in Florida, when developers wanted to build a large development they had to also upgrade the surrounding roads. And if it was a housing development had to set aside land for a school. Now the road has been upgraded to the bridge that goes over the creek. Son Lan should be made to upgrade Highway 42 from the bridge and road up to Cornwallis road. JMHO

    Just the cost of doing business
  7. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about 40/42, but in East Clayton area, improvements were made to roads right at the subdivisions (Riverwood/Flowers), but the roads surrounding that feed into these areas got nothing and cannot handle the increased traffic, nor can the schools, even with land being set aside in the developments. So now what they have is congestion, constant accidents which are a burden on resources (fire/rescue), and overcrowded schools. Top that with more and more development being given the okay with no thought to infrastructure (Covered Bridge Road for example). Sure they say they are considering the added traffic and students, but that is all crap. They are adding rooftops and $$ to the tax base. I am so glad we sold our home in this area. I don't miss it a bit. It seems like the top players are not held to the cost of doing business, but that is jmo and view. Your results may vary. I am not against growth, but not uncontrolled growth with no thought or concern for the community.

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