Be careful who you open your door to - Important info

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I just read this on a local facebook page and wanted to post here so everyone will be aware of possible danger.

    "Sorry if this isnt sales related but i figured id share anyway .... Just had a guy drive down my court didnt stop at one house but mine (as i live on the end) .... i watch him out of my window he walks up to my door and another guy from the car gets out and walks around the side of my house , then proceeds to knock on my door and tell me that he is in the area doing all types of home improvement jobs , carpet cleaning , vinyl floor deep cleaning ??? and pest removal ...... i responded that no i wasnt interested my rental company covers all of that and thanks and have a good day ... in which time he asked me if he could "just come in and check for stains " i said no again and then i followed up with why he had a guy walk around the back of my house cuz you didnt say anything about power washing .... his response was that he had no one else with him .... i told him i saw the guy get out of his car and walk around my house in which time he turned and started walking back to his car saying "whatever man" i saw a female in the driver seat as they pulled down the street , i closed my front door and walked to my back door and saw no man in my backyard at all ... i have no doubt in my mind this guy was trying to con his way into my house with his buddy waiting either on the side or back of my house .... it looked to be a green crown vic with the bottom painted gray and the "salesman" had on grey pants and a white button up shirt , the man that walked around the side of my house was wearing black pants and black short sleeved shirt ......... PLEASE BE CAREFUL BEFORE OPENING YOUR DOORS"
  2. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Can you give description of the color of the two males? I would suggest getting a license plate number if anyone else runs across this.
  3. Keech

    Keech Member

    Why is color a factor? With this excellent description, what more do you need?
    Hught likes this.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    This did not happen to me. Read the first line. I saw it somewhere and posted it here for all to see.
  5. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    It would be a part of the description of the alleged different than height, weight, hair color, and clothing description.
  6. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Don't be a dumb ass. People of all color can wear the same clothes. It just narrows it down. You scared they are gonna be white?
  7. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I thought you knew the person Facebook. Some teens broke in two houses in our subdivision. The sheriff department did a great job and caught all of them.

    Also thank you for the post.

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