There is so much land being developed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by roca1216, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Please stop bringing your Political Pit personality to the Discussion Forum.

    Wayne Stollings and Hught like this.
  3. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about. Why are you AGAIN bringing the pit here? You gave a completely bogus apology the first time and here we have you doing it again for the second time.
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Well, times have changed in 20 years and it doesn't seem like they have adapted to have the best interest of the area in mind either, which is my point.

    Nope, not what I am saying. More responsible growth is needed now than what was allowed 20 years ago. I suppose what I am saying is the old 'paint yerself in a corner' idea. I see this happening.
  5. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Maybe not, but the influence is still there and this is what I am cynical/suspicious about. Fox guarding the hen house type stuff.

    This is kind of my point. How much has this changed from 20 years ago? If it has, are the changes commensurate with the growth we have seen?
  6. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    "Well, times have changed in 20 years and it doesn't seem like they have adapted to have the best interest of the area in mind either, which is my point. "

    Times have changed. A lot of regulations are different. 15/20 years ago I saw $ change hands with a pat on the back. I know where houses are that are wrong and or illegal as hell. That don't fly no more. You said you transplanted in 95. You came during the height of BS.

    Now, you probably have to upgrade roads and put in a turn lane for your project. As far as infrastructure this ain't field of dreams. Taxes don't build roads and schools hoping they will come
  7. cranky

    cranky Well-Known Member

    But they should.

    Actually, thats the mentality that those in the engineering and planning world fight against. With a functional planning body you might actually get controlled organized growth like at RTP or Flowers Plantation. If you plan infrastructure for development that is where you will get development, you can't do it playing catch up. At UNC they just ran 3 miles of elictrical infrastructure through the middle of the woods, it wasnt to plug in electric cars! They have a master plan developed for a whole new campus.

    Thinking like this is why I am in favor of incorporating our community. I feel like we could do a better job of planning than the county has.
    WadeCorbett likes this.
  8. todill

    todill Member

    Back to original discussion; Anyone heard anything about the development going on across from Walmart shopping center on Hwy42?
  9. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    River Oaks? It's been on the drawing board for years. They cut the main loop road through the woods finally. But that is about all that has been done so far. Parkway Flyer.pdf
  10. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you one thing, as someone who's lived in Orange, Wake, Durham and now Johnston County, I've been able to mark one legend as as truth just from this thread, which is that Johnston Co is one hell of a clannish place. Boy, I feel for you Harvey, ask one question, and the back-patters swarm in for the kill like vultures. Jesus H Christ....
    Wayne Stollings and Hught like this.
  11. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Well it looks like you have 3 counties you can move back to. See ya.
  12. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Tell ya what, whoever you are, Poppin Cork, you are a real ******* blowhard. I made a post one time that totally had nothing to do with you, and you just laid into me. The quintessential redneck, angry white racist pig conservative. Your breed is dying off, thank god, meanwhile I will continue society's progressive, secular, socially-liberal infiltration into your back yard shooting range. Fire your gun all you don't bother me. Angry white males are quickly becoming the minority, but you know that, so maybe that's the source of your anger. I'm sure more than a few posters here will gladly say in unison with me.....kiss my ass.

    You are a bully. The fact that you are still employing 8 year old schoolyard tactics speaks volumes and cements the opinion we already have of you, and just further propogates the (clearly warranted) stereotype we have of "people like you."
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
    Rockyv58 and Wayne Stollings like this.
  13. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    LOL, If your candy butt can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, racist.
  14. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    You all know what I LOVE about all the development around 40/42? The future of my property value. Especially once the bypass comes within 3 miles of my door, I will have an instant equity addition, then I can use that equity to buy more property to rent out to like-minded people! The invasion has only begun.........the prospects for the kitchen look GREAT to me in the next 10-15 years.......


    No-BS, sometimes-confused-for-angry white, non-racist Libertarian agnostic neighbor
  15. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

  16. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Actually, that is exactly what taxes are supposed to do.
  17. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    For anyone who thinks the growth in Joco has been managed with any shred of forethought, just make the journey on Cornwalis to 42 at about 7:40 next week. Or for that matter look at what NCDOT plans to do to the 40/42 interchange. If you think we have a problem with how government spends our tax money, just look at this project which is a necessity caused by the awesome planning Joco has done at 40/42. Lack of forethought is now costing millions of dollars. Build it and they will come? Not at all. More like: Build the crap out out of it and sort it out the problems later.
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Harvey, i would like to hear your scenario as to what you would do. Sort of like Sims. You are given 5000 acres down I-40 past 42/210. Take the next intersection past 210 and head west towards Harnett County 1/2 mile and that is the center of your 5000 acres. That is a rural area. Its un-incorporated and a long lost relative has died and left you the land. A handful of builders/developers have already written hand typed letters and they are in the mail to you, expressing their interest to work with you on the land.

    Take as short or as long of a response as you need but outline how you would develop it. Leaving it alone for the ducks and dears is not an option. You have to develop it. Dont ask why you have it, it doesnt matter. Not trying to be a smartass or anything like that with this scenario. Just curious how you would do it.

    And please, do not say...i have no experience in development and have no idea how to go about it. Just see what you can do ok? :)
    poppin cork likes this.
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    poppin cork likes this.
  20. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    All 1 acre of it? LOL, you're a real estate mogul for sure. I'm shaking in my boots with cow **** on em.

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