
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by NCGIRL, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Bucky

    Bucky Active Member

    Well, that explains a lot!
  2. kodiak kid

    kodiak kid Well-Known Member

    Yay!!!! Wonder if this will help or hurt the traffic situation?!?
  3. Terry B.

    Terry B. Active Member

    Yep. It means that we care about the environment. It also means that we can afford to buy what we want instead of what we can get a deal on at Jed Clampett's used car sales.

    As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu, Bucky
  4. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I think the general issue is with the traffic and fact that we have a lot of gas stations. Allowing another at an already busy intersection in favor of some other use is objectionable to some people.

    There are 13 gas stations on Hwy 42 from Guy rd to Hwy 50 alone, which is roughly 8 miles. The problem is societal to some degree, in that people can actually support that many convenience stores. Convenience stores are not typically the highest and best use, but probably the most...convenient. I have always said that 'convenience' is a dirty word. It is the cause of many issues that plague society today. It breeds laziness, sloth, and leaves a wake of candy wrappers, grease spots and sadness in it's path. Progress and development are good, if done in a responsible way.

    I don't think more gas stations are going to drive down prices as this is set by much larger (global) market forces. That is just silly.
    jlc007 likes this.
  5. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Maybe you can budget a bit better on the fancy new car next time, and then you might be able to buy a house that won't be next to a convenience store Ms gotrocks. LMAO, at you.
  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    The lowest prices in the triangle are where the highest concentrations of gas stations are. South Saunders and I40, and the 40/42 area. Just some food for thought. Most of the gas stations that are the sole one in an area, are typically the highest in the Triangle.

    While more gas stations does not always mean lower prices, it certainly does not make high prices. The market decides who gets the business, and typically most people will go to the station that has the cheapest price. Hence why the Exxon across the street from Sheetz at 42 and Cornwallis rarely ever has but 1 car at the pumps, while there are 4-8 cars at the pumps at Sheetz at the same time. If Exxon wants more business, they will have to be lower than Sheetz. And since Sheetz has a better business model (selling much, much more than just gas) they can afford to have lower gas prices, and will probably win in the long run. If Exxon (or whoever actually owns that station) wants to succeed, they will need to revamp their store, etc.
    markfnc likes this.
  7. Terry B.

    Terry B. Active Member

    What makes you think that my house is next to a convenient store? Do you people just make sh!t up as you go along?
    bridgett, Hught and Wayne Stollings like this.
  8. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    My bad. I got you mixed up with another poster. I'm still not impressed with your superiority attitude though. So that part I won't apologize for.
  9. Bucky

    Bucky Active Member

    First of all, I don't need the mercy of Allah or his peace! Your very first post in this thread was vulgar at best! You think putting a few hyphens In does away with the applied meaning? Take your foul mouth where it might be appreciated. Also, while your at it take your tree hugging auto knowledge with it. You do know what my avatar stands for don't you? If so, you'll know I've already made my peace with Allah and Sadam and Omar and soon Mansour!

    This has almost got to the stage of being too funny! We have a foul mouth yuppy tree hugger now making Muslim quotes on a Johnston County message board talking about Jed Clampet in a negative way while he is on his way to the convienence store next door to his shack!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    poppin cork likes this.
  10. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    I miss Piggly Wiggly
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You can always come down to Roseboro, nice folks but they freak out when I bring in my reusable grocery bags.
  12. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    I think this has a lot more to do with logistics, location and distribution than concentration and competition. That stretch is at the confluence of a town and and a major city as well as two US Routes and one Interstate.

    Again, I think there is a lot more at play that just having gas be 1 cent cheaper to drive business. On a full tank that accounts for a savings of about $0.20 in an average vehicle. The people who will wait at a light to cross traffic and save $0.20 are silly.

    It has a lot more to do with it being newer, cleaner, easier to get in and out of, more offerings, friendlier employees, etc. And this leads me to my point...we don't need any more gas stations. Keep building new ones and the old ones become blight. That Exxon that you speak of is horribly run from the basics right down to landscaping. The car wash doesn't work most of the time. No one cares about their stuff anymore. Some of this is due to poor management, some of it is due to the county allowing this sort of use every half mile to the point of saturation. Even Sheetz has about 20 dead trees right outside. These were undoubtedly required view the plan approval, but who makes sure they are put back in place when the property goes to pot?

    It is about quality not quantity.
  13. Terry B.

    Terry B. Active Member

    I don't know what your avatar stands for, nor do I really care. And what, the enlightened people of Johnston county can't tolerate Islam or tree huggers? You're pretty funny.
  14. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    The landscaper will have to replace those once planting season is here. Which is now. cant replant in the summer or they will die. As a contractor, the county /city does check on those. you have a 1 year walk thru.
  15. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    We can tolerate hemorrhoids too, but we don't like them. Bless your heart.
    jlc007 likes this.
  16. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Right now Sheetz averages 4 cents less with your Sheetz loyalty card, for me I usually take about 30-35 gallons at a time once a week. So that means I save over $1 per fill up. Then I go inside and get one of their yummy cookies for $1. And after 10 cookies, I get one free! :D Personally I wouldn't be sad if the Exxon went out of business and then something else came in to that location in a few years, like a quick lube or something (years ago one was planned for the land next door).
  17. Bluewillow

    Bluewillow Well-Known Member

    The Trashcan cookie is my new favorite! I sometimes buy bags of their coffee. I'm no coffee expert but it's much better than many other brands that I've tried.
    jesse82nc likes this.
  18. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    With their loyalty card and a Sheetz VISA card you get 8 cents off the published price.
    jesse82nc likes this.
  19. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Neither distribution nor density dictate fuel prices. For a long time the cheapest gas in the state was the section of I-85 from Mebane toward Burlington. Not a high density area for stations, in fact there were a couple who went out of business nearby. Not a high supply area either because there is a pipeline terminal in Greensboro ... where the gas was higher than that corridor. Taxes are not it either as the prices in SC near the NC border do not reflect the difference in taxes, but the SC gas is cheaper.

    There was a station owner who told me they are limited in the profit they can make by the distributor. If they raise their prices to high the distributor will increase the cost of fuel. Of course, this was a franchise name brand who was limited as to where they could buy fuel.
  20. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Good to know.

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