Your initial source did not support your statement and the later data covers several days short of a month if you notice.
It covers one business month, in Wall Street that's how they define a month. I clicked the "1 Month" report.
It still does not explain your reference being so different and also that the new charts extend to today from the initial start point making the business month a little longer now than before. = April 18 - May 16{"range":"1mo","allowChartStacking":true} = April 18 - May 16
Well the "last month" is always going to be a rolling chart of the last month, and since the market changes every day, it will always differ. Plus the chart you just showed, when I click last month, it shows it down 9.13%. Why are you going crazy over 1%, which obviously is due to today's activities. And for the record, when you click 1m on Google, it displays April 16 to May 16. But since the market was closed April 16 and 17, and was not open yet for May 16, it only shows April 18 to May 13. If you don't understand how the stock market works, go read up on it.
As you'll see Wayne is very difficult to discuss much with because he knows everything, much more and much better than anyone here. He's extremely smart, Mensa smart. Actually better than Mensa.
To repeat ... Your reference did not support your claim. So waiting until the market opens adds another day to the business month? How odd is that? The stock market is NOT the financial reports either of us referenced, so how exactly does the workings of the stock market affect the way the reports are given?
When they open, how are their bathrooms regulated? That is the important thing! Just ask our elected officials!!
Saw this posted today. That would mean there are roughly 7000 mutants in NC. Or about 680 in Wake County, or about 120 in Johnston County. dysphoria fact sheet.pdf The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" classifies this as Gender dysphoria.
You will see a lot of ignorance posted on the internet, which you did and decided to share. The DSM lists Gender Dysphoria because it is necessary to do so for the treatment, which includes up to surgery, but your meme wrongly connects it to a negative connotation. Your meme also ignores those who have had gender assignment as an infant for other reasons than genetic issues and uses a logical fallacy to reach item 4.
Reading the information you missed: DSM-5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender. It replaces the diagnostic name “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria,” as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria. It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.
When you get your "truth" from random internet memes or miss important aspects of your own references I can see where you might believe there are "versions" of the truth. Bless your heart. Beware women, if you cut your hair too short, you have to use the men's room.
And face the discrimination against transgender people our legislature is promoting ....... Danbury News Times reports that Toms was accosted by another woman while she was washing her hands in a Walmart bathroom in Danbury, Connecticut. Toms was wearing a baseball hat and she had very short hair because she recently donated her hair to a charity that makes wigs for children with cancer. She said that she was approached by a complete stranger in the bathroom and was told that “You’re disgusting!” and “You don’t belong here!” The 22-year-old Toms posted a video on Facebook talking about how the experience opened her eyes to the abuse that transgender people face every day. “After experiencing the discrimination they face firsthand, I cannot fathom the discrimination transgender people must face in a lifetime,” she said. “Can you imagine going out every day and having people tell you you should not be who you are or that people will not accept you as who you are?”
So what do you do to stop people from discriminating against others? Obviously passing a law will work, stating that discrimination against others based on their gender identity is illegal, right? There's been laws against racial discrimination for decades, so obviously that has been eliminated from society by now.
No, but it has sure been limited has it not? Perhaps we should do away with the laws regarding rape and murder, as they have been around much longer and still have not eliminated those violations of civil and human rights?