CSX in JoCo

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jesse82nc, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    FULLY AUTOMATED? Not quite. Perhaps, you step out of your USS Enterprise Holodeck for a minute and try to understand that these facilities do not have hundreds of tiny little robots running around doing all of the work.

    Hught and The Truth like this.
  2. The Truth

    The Truth Member

    Some people miss the point its not "HONDA" its the proposal of a company wanting to build in an area and provide an abundance of jobs. Is it right for just a few people to stop the progress of a community?
    Wayne Stollings and Hught like this.
  3. Auxie

    Auxie Well-Known Member

    I NEVER use the automated check-out lanes, ANYWHERE. I don't want to help put someone out of a job because I can't wait for a Clerk!!!
    I think more of a person than using a couple of extra minutes!:cool:

    The Wal-Mart in Fuquay is installing them now.:mad:
    Why can't the owners of Wal-Mart be happy with the billions of dollars they now have, instead trying to take us for more money? Have you noticed how their prices have increased since they stopped price matching?:(
    poppin cork and Hught like this.
  4. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

    I wish I could agree with this, but Walmart (and many other retailers) need more checkouts staffed period. Even the automated needs a supervising person. Often they dont and that leads me to use something that I can get actually checked out on.
  5. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ALL industries will be automated where they can be automated. Is Amazon.com an okay source to use, or is that also considered to be "cherry-picking"? image.jpg image.jpg
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Do you work in agriculture? Because you are one hell of a cherry-picker!
  7. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Like I said, honey, this is right from AmazonRobotics.com. Amazon bought Kiva Robotics in 2012, investing 775 million dollars in automation infrastructure, and changed the name to "AmazonRobotics". The plan is to sell their technology to other businesses for automation purposes. It's kind of a "win win" situation don't you think?
    June 16, 2016 Business Journal.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  8. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Can y'all figure out where these "workers" can punch a time card, cuz I sure can't! Oh wait.....no need to punch a time card, when they can work 24/7 for free! I mean once they're bought for all those "good jobs" of course.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
    Auxie likes this.
  9. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    My sixth grade educated grandfather could come up with a better pun than that!
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Good for your Grandfather.
  11. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    When will you all understand that the robots are going to rise up and kill us all like in "Terminator" if we do not hold onto the land in rural areas to keep them away. Until that time robots will continue to take everyone's job so you will have to raise your own food on that land until you have to sell it to pay for the items you cannot grow on the land but need to live.
    Hught likes this.
  12. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Nobody is saying that, Mr. Stollings, and you know it. But to ignore the effects of automation investment (in the tens of billions in the US alone since the 2008 Recession) and the transformative effects of automation on the American workforce today, (and much more in the very near future), is to do a cold-hearted disservice to people who may believe that an earlier time in manufacturing can somehow be "revived". It cannot. Look around you. Those days are long gone, and people need to prepare themselves well, instead of listening to empty promises shopped around to camouflage Eminent Domain Abuses.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  13. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

  14. ROUTER

    ROUTER Well-Known Member

    Not sure about the price increase at walmart. They are my largest customer, and I sell over 150 grocery items in the 40 42 store. None of those prices have gone up, however about 60% of those items have been placed on rollback or given a lower price point. Walmart is doing this without asking for a price reduction from myself, the wholesaler. I noticed yesterday that their price for a gallon of milk is now $2.20. A loaf of walmart bread is $.88, what prices have you noticed going up? Thanks for sharing.
  15. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Eminent Domain Abuses? Where have ANY such abuses been discussed? You have bounced from topic to topic when the evidence does not support your position. That is why the sarcasm towards the robots and land deflection.
    The Truth and Hught like this.
  16. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    35 years ago I was a high school graduate and was "cherry-picked" by management to work as a tech in a brand new technical field for a large corporation. Later, I was promoted to corporate headquarters as the tech departments grew and became more specialized. Of course, that was back in the day, where management took notice of employees who they thought might have a certain facility for something, and I was regularly promoted through the years. Nobody I worked with had a college degree, including my managers, but the pay was great, and the benefits were very generous including full healthcare, dental, vision, 401k and stock options. You'd be hard pressed today to find a job like that just out of high school!
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Good for you, it is to bad we have to cheat a lot of Johnston County folks out of real jobs in this day and age.
  18. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Listen Hught, it breaks my heart that those days are long gone. I was nothing anymore special than any high school graduate coming into the workforce at that time. There were good jobs everywhere then, and coworkers you hardly knew looked out for you. And you never had to jump through any hoops either, like most of the workforce does now. Even with those 100 jobs at CSX, less than half will be in logistics where you'll need specialized training - and they won't pay much. The rest will be in management where the real salaries will be made. That's what an "average wage" of 60k really means. You can do the math, if you like.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  19. DWK

    DWK Well-Known Member

    Oh Peaches, I was wondering what happened to you! I'm sorry that you can't keep up with the discussion here, but I'm sure that other readers - especially our good neighbors in Four Oaks - know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to Eminent Domain abuses, and how these seizures are oftentimes planned years in advance. The automation I was talking about that is about to transform the workplace worldwide, was mentioned so that workers understand that when jobs are promised, (through things like eminent domain seizures for private business expansion) it won't be the "jobs of old" that some folks might remember, that in previous years would employ thousands of unskilled workers, but instead, a much smaller, much more specialized workforce that is partially, if not fully automated - and that, sadly, is just on the horizon. Oh, but what do I know? I'm just an old gal with six generations in Appalachia......
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  20. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Really? What landowners in Four Oaks lost their land to Eminent Domain abuses? It is impossible to keep up with a discussion which never happened as there were no references to any such abuses. There were false statements about CSX and there were deflections into Intermodal facilities being some type of storage or transport for CCR, and Duke Energy's position on CCR.
    The Truth likes this.

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