JoCo Stormwater neighbor problems

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rickatom, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Rickatom

    Rickatom Well-Known Member

    I live in a rural undeveloped subdivision. The owner of the development owns surrounding properties.
    Long story short, major water flows from upper property, through my property, and back onto his property.
    He barrierred the end of the ditch, blocking water flow so the water floods the back of my property.
    Since the majority of water comes from his lands, and was flowing back onto his land, can he block the water so it flows/floods onto my property?
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Not really neighborly of him.
  3. certdude

    certdude Well-Known Member

    you might call state Division of Water Quality. They normally have issues with stuff like that, especially if its due to development and they are actively trying to control the flow (blocking ditch).
  4. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    No. There are all kinds of regulations about impeding water. Federal, state, county, and local. That book is probably thicker than the Old Testament.
  5. Rickatom

    Rickatom Well-Known Member

    A member of JoCos finest paid me a visit today and assessed the situation. He is taking it to higher advisement. Awaiting upcoming board meeting to bring it to the table.
    I am defiantly looking for answers.
  6. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    You can also call erosion control in the county and have them look at it.
  7. Rickatom

    Rickatom Well-Known Member

    There is an upcoming meeting that this will be brought up.

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