
Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by mamax3, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Bring it N8. Mine from this past Sunday are going to Tassy for helping me with my Finesse coupon I need.

    PM me
  2. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Frugal :)

    I agree with lj and Kaci. IT would really have to stand out. Free water does the trick for a lot of people. Some places will donate it to you.
    Having something say "FREE" and "CHEAP" grabs attention. You may be asked about a class, so be prepared. Also, if you do it, make sure you have a tent. The sun (and rain) can be brutal. If you think your business name would catch attention, sponsor the event. The sponsors are in all the advertising.

    Jennifer's REALLY good at coming up with creative stuff, ask her... :).

    My daughter won't let me live if we don't go, so we'll see you out there!

  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I should thank you for the compliment, or chastise you for volunteering my creative services, lol.

  4. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    After all the thanking and chastising, I'll be anxious to hear your creative suggestions! :wink: :lol:

    Thanks for all the advice. I'll look into the free bottles of water idea. What about business card magnets? Like them? Hate them? Already have 8 million of them?

    Freebie for the day for those of you with little ones: Free Beech-Nut kids bowl when you sign up for the Beech-Nut e-mail newsletter.
    "Sign up for our monthly e-newsletters, and we'll send you information tailored to your baby's age, helpful tips, money-saving offers, plus this FREE bowl. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. And as thanks for signing up, we’ll start you off with big coupon savings."
  5. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    I heard if you sold beverages there was an additional fee. I don't know if that would apply if your giving water free. One thing I need was something to carry all of my freebies in while there.

    Maybe Lowes or Harris Teeters would donate the water if you can do that since they are the stores we frequent the most.
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    nix that... i've been through my sunday paper twice, and the only coupon insert I had was SmartSource, and there was no Finesse coupon. Though I did find that all Finesse products are on sale at Walgreens 2/$5.

    Sorry HG... anyone else up for HG's coupons???
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Just a quick heads up for you gals with kids. Heard Toys R Us at Crabtree is closing it's doors after 18 years. Prices are now at 10-30% off - sure to go lower.

    Faye - i personally love the magnets - about the only thing i actually keep from all the vendors cause they go on the fridge and when i need something it is always there - no searching.
  8. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Tassy didn't find the Finesse one, bring yours tonight OK? :D

    Thanks for checking Tassy!
  9. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I have your Finesse and South Beach coupons. Are you going to be in the area today or tomorrow? If you have any extra Boca veggie products coupons, I use ALOT of Boca stuff. The 75 cent coupon in Sundays paper goes a long way when it is doubled at HT!
  10. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Not to perpetuate the bad habits of folks but since I got them free in the mail...$4 off a carton of marlboro. Got two coupons if anyone still smokes and wants 'em!?!

    Frugal, just say no to the magnets. Too many to keep up with already so I toss 'em as I gets 'em! Pens and such are always good as if ya have too many of them, you can give them away and people actually WANT them!
  11. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Not a coupon question but more of a savings one.

    For the NM trip a friend gave us $25 gift card to McDonalds. Obviously it won't cover the whole trip. I was wondering if I made the 2 boxes of pancakes I had before I left if they would stay good not refrigerated. Then I could warm them up at the hotel for breakfast... although our hotel may have free breakfast. Oh, well any food advice for this trip would be appreciated.
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I like pens, pencils, sticky-pads, koozies...
  13. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    My vote is pens and the plastic tumblers... I am always leaving my tumblers at work and other places when I fix me some ice tea on the go. :wink:
  14. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I have done the make pancakes before hand and freeze. They are awesome! you can pour the syrup over them b/f you put in plastic baggies. And when they heat up in the microwave... yuuummie :wink:
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Hey FM, I'm at home all day today until later on about 5:30. I got your Boca coupon ready for you! If you want I can swing by your place on the way out tonight or just met you tomorrow?

    Mx3 Got your Jelly and P-Nut butter coupons, that I will bring with me tonight.

    Le, I don't smoke Marlboro's. If you get any for Virginia Slims, I'll take them :wink:
  16. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    The only problem is I don't have a freezer in my car so I don't know if they would keep.
  17. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    IF you have or can get a 5-day cooler they are GREAT! When doing big shopping trips on warm days I put my items in there <without ice> and they are still frozen when I get home. If you freeze your pancakse and put them in there they should keep. Adding ice would probably keep them frozen. You could also put them in a regular cooler with ice cooked or frozen and they should be fine for your trip.

    When do you leave?
  18. n8zjb

    n8zjb Member

    If we do a coupon swap...what day and time is best for everyone? How often do you want to get together?
    I am working on getting it organized. Any ideas you want to implement, just post away.
  19. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    When are you leaving? We are certainly going to miss you!

    About those pancakes..... You need a cooler (even a small one will work fine). Even if you don't have a cooler, use a couple insulated lunch bags/lunch boxes.

    First, make the pancakes a couple days before you leave. Freeze them. Use some freezer bags (or Ziplocs filled with water that you freeze so you have one big block of ice. It melts slower than a bag of ice cubes). On the day you leave, put the pancakes between the bags of ice and they should be nice a cool by the time you get to the hotel. Use the hotel ice to replenish your Ziploc bags and keep them cool through the night. Then reheat in the morning and enjoy! I have about 800 bottles of syrup if you need any! :lol: (well, maybe not quite 800.....but close).

    I wouldn't keep them unrefridgerated (is that even a word?), though.

    Other food tips when travelling with kids:


    "Individual applesauce and fruit cups (don’t forget plastic spoons). Dry crackers – mall snack pack size. Individual size water bottles, a permanent marker will help to keep these separate. Pop tarts and individual cereal boxes. Flavored rice cakes, and juice boxes. A Jar of peanut butter and loaf of bread (don’t forget a plastic knife).

    Pack snacks for the trip that your kids enjoy, especially fresh and dried fruit. Granola bars and snack packages of crackers with cheese are another good choice. Also, be sure to buy juice bottles or bottled water for the trip.

    Avoid These Snacks:

    Snacks with a lot of sugar will make the kids much too hyper and cranky. Try to stay away of chocolate, candy, cake, and other sweet treats."

    Also take a look at the Familyfuncom site for lots of tips on travelling with family.

    * Before we hit the road, I let my kids make their own Chex mix, without nuts. I also travel with Nutri-Grain bars, crackers (Cheez-Its, Sesame Twigs, Triscuits, etc.), raisins, grapes, Sun Chips, Gorilla Munch (an organic cereal similar to Kix), celery sticks w/peanut butter and raisins for protein to combat sluggishness from riding in the car, and bananas! -- ladydst83

    * A mix of rice and wheat Chex cereal with some pretzels added -- I give this to my grandson when we are on the road. -- wikiscogg

    * Popcorn, esp. the low-fat kind -- sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on it for more flavor. -- nickel76nicky

    * My kids chow these down: Cut up whole-wheat flour pita bread into pieces. Brush on olive oil, bake for about 12-15 minutes, remove and sprinkle with garlic powder and shredded cheese. Continue baking until crispy. -- dkjones27

    2. FREEZE 'EM FIRST Make mini banana-nut bread loaves, freeze, then thaw in morning and slice for snack; great with peanut butter and slice of banana on top ... Mix fruit or jam into yogurt and freeze in small, snack-sized Ziploc bags for frozen yogurt on the go. Cut a hole in the end of the bag for easy access/eating.... Make a batch of pudding and add coconut, nuts, marshmallows, crushed cookies, or sprinkles. Pour into molds. Freeze several hours until firm (stays nice as it thaws!) -- nickel76nicky

    3. PITA POCKETS Stuff them with things not normally in a sandwich -- pizza-type cheese and pepperoni, thick chili and cheese, veggies, hot dogs -- and heat. Also, tortilla roll-ups may be fixed ahead and kept warm. If the fillings are messy, wrap in waxed or parchment paper. Then put them them in your warm cooler. -- BAlieceHall

    4. SALAD (YES, SALAD!) I either put it in a small bowl and the kids can put dressing on it, or in a to-go cup so they have "shaker salad." I bought little Tupperware-type containers from WalMart that are square with a small round center, with its own lid. I'll put veggies and dip in one and cheese and crackers in the other. The kids really like it. -- photomomof2

    5. HEARTIER FINGER FOOD Homemade sweet potato fries, chicken tenders, fish sticks, corn dogs on a wooden skewer, hashbrown patties from the store, wrapped in wax paper. A favorite: mini meatloaves stuffed with mashed potatoes -- it's not hard to do in a muffin pan. -- nickel76nicky

    6. CUT-UP APPLES A little orange juice will keep them from turning brown. --mom2curty

    7. DON'T FORGET THE DRINKS Take plenty of water! Fill plastic water bottles 2/3 up and freeze; then put in a small cooler instead of ice to keep foods cool. When they melt, you have nice cold water on hand. Juice boxes also freeze up well; just pack in anything that needs to stay chilled around them. -- nickel76nicky"
  20. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    Where can I get a 5-day cooler. Never heard of such a thing but sounds like something we could use for other trips we have planned this year.

    We will be leaving on the 25th. Unless, my dh's training gets done sooner. It sounds like he might be done the 20th. But sometime in there.

    Hey, did you get my emails? I know you have been busy with everything just wanted to offer my help and support as long as I am here.

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