My church and I would love to pray for your needs. We love to carry people's needs to God and watch the results happen. So post your needs or send me a message for private needs. At your service, Pastor G
I think prayers work when you pray for what you need and not what you want...if that makes any sense - at least for me that's how it's always worked.
I guess it would depend on what you pray for or for whom. I have often found that I don't always recieve the blessings asked for in prayer. I would like to ask for strength, and patience in my life, to help me cope with daily trials.
i pray that God's Will be done in my life even when it isn't my own and He always leads me where He wants me.
Yup, that is the truth. God always answers prayer, sometimes the answer has to be "No." yak...there I go agreeing with Oy again..... I do believe in prayer, it is kind of like an affirmation. An affirmation to yourself (and your subconscious...he helps those who help themselves) and a request for intercession from the Lord.
Yes, I believe in prayer (I know hard for most of you to believe). God has answered many of my prayers
Yup, that's one I'd love to see answered - it is sort of an insult to see repeat threads, like we aren't capable of reading both sides.
Ding ding...there's the winner! That's the hardest prayer to pray of all...but it's the right way! When you can humble yourself to let him lead you then prayers are answered and you see the results in your everyday life. Sometimes it's no, sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's unclear but eventually it becomes clear as something happens in your life to explain it.
Darn skippy....hahaha...that is funny. Hubby thinks I am daft to think it's funny, but what the heck. Life does intrude upon one's discussion board time, doesn't it?